Masoud Mirzaei
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Cited by
Plasma actuators for separation control of low-pressure turbine blades
J Huang, TC Corke, FO Thomas
AIAA journal 44 (1), 51-57, 2006
A new strategy for minimum usage of external yaw moment in vehicle dynamic control system
M Mirzaei
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 18 (2), 213-224, 2010
Experimental study of ice accretion effects on aerodynamic performance of an NACA 23012 airfoil
SG Pouryoussefi, M Mirzaei, MM Nazemi, M Fouladi, A Doostmahmoudi
Chinese Journal of Aeronautics 29 (3), 585-595, 2016
Effect of air density on the performance of a small wind turbine blade: A case study in Iran
A Pourrajabian, M Mirzaei, R Ebrahimi, D Wood
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 126, 1-10, 2014
Applying genetic algorithms for solving nonlinear algebraic equations
A Pourrajabian, R Ebrahimi, M Mirzaei, M Shams
Applied Mathematics and Computation 219 (24), 11483-11494, 2013
Design novel fuzzy robust feedback linearization control with application to robot manipulator
F Piltan, MH Yarmahmoudi, M Mirzaie, S Emamzadeh, Z Hivand
International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications 5 (5), 1, 2013
Modeling of heat transfer at the fluid–solid interface by lattice Boltzmann method
M Seddiq, M Maerefat, M Mirzaei
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 75, 28-35, 2014
Demographic characteristics of the elderly population in Iran according to the census 1976-2006
M Mirzaei, M Shams-Ghahfarkhi
Iran J Ageing 2 (5), 326-31, 2007
Numerical and experimental study of flow field characteristics of an iced airfoil
M Mirzaei, MA Ardekani, M Doosttalab
Aerospace science and technology 13 (6), 267-276, 2009
An optimal approach to non-linear control of vehicle yaw dynamics
M Mirzaei, G Alizadeh, M Eslamian, S Azadi
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of …, 2008
Applying micro scales of horizontal axis wind turbines for operation in low wind speed regions
A Pourrajabian, R Ebrahimi, M Mirzaei
Energy conversion and management 87, 119-127, 2014
A novel process for manufacturing porous 316 L stainless steel with uniform pore distribution
M Mirzaei, MH Paydar
Materials & Design 121, 442-449, 2017
Parametric study of a plasma actuator at unsteady actuation by measurements of the induced flow velocity for flow control
AS Taleghani, A Shadaram, M Mirzaei, S Abdolahipour
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 40, 1-13, 2018
Experimental study of separation bubble control behind a backward-facing step using plasma actuators
SG Pouryoussefi, M Mirzaei, M Hajipour
Acta Mechanica 226, 1153-1165, 2015
Effects of organizational socialization (OS) on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB)
F Ahmadi, A Salavati, S Sheikhesmaeili, M Mirzaei
IJCRB 3 (5), 395-406, 2011
Experimental investigation of separation bubble control on an iced airfoil using plasma actuator
SG Pouryoussefi, M Mirzaei, F Alinejad, SM Pouryoussefi
Applied Thermal Engineering 100, 1334-1341, 2016
Effects of duty cycles of the plasma actuators on improvement of pressure distribution above a NLF0414 airfoil
AS Taleghani, A Shadaram, M Mirzaei
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 40 (5), 1434-1440, 2012
Analytical and numerical modeling of the transient elasto-dynamic response of a cylindrical tube to internal gaseous detonation
M Mirzaei, H Biglari, M Salavatian
International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 83 (7), 531-539, 2006
Prevalence of asthma among middle eastern children: a systematic review
M Mirzaei, M Karimi, S Beheshti, M Mohammadi
Medical journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran 31, 9, 2016
Designing a non-linear tracking controller for vehicle active suspension systems using an optimization process
A Malekshahi, M Mirzaei
International journal of automotive technology 13, 263-271, 2012
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Articles 1–20