Wendy Cukier
Wendy Cukier
Ted Rogers School of Management, Ryerson University
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Cited by
Is mobile email functional or dysfunctional? Two perspectives on mobile email usage
CA Middleton, W Cukier
European Journal of Information Systems 15 (3), 252-260, 2006
Social entrepreneurship: A content analysis
W Cukier, S Trenholm, D Carl, G Gekas
Journal of Strategic Innovation and Sustainability 7 (1), 99-119, 2011
A critical analysis of media discourse on information technology: preliminary results of a proposed method for critical discourse analysis
W Cukier, O Ngwenyama, R Bauer, C Middleton
Information systems journal 19 (2), 175-196, 2009
The relationship between diversity training, organizational commitment, and career satisfaction
M Yap, MR Holmes, CA Hannan, W Cukier
Journal of European industrial training 34 (6), 519-538, 2010
Gender and information technology: Implications of definitions
W Cukier, D Shortt, I Devine
ACM SIGCSE Bulletin 34 (4), 142-148, 2002
Applying Habermas’ validity claims as a standard for critical discourse analysis
W Cukier, R Bauer, C Middleton
Information systems research: Relevant theory and informed practice, 233-258, 2004
The global gun epidemic
W Cukier, VW Sidel
Career satisfaction: A look behind the races
M Yap, W Cukier, MR Holmes, CA Hannan
Relations industrielles 65 (4), 584-608, 2010
The illicit firearms trade in North America
PJ Cook, W Cukier, K Krause
Criminology & Criminal Justice 9 (3), 265-286, 2009
(In) visibility in the margins: COVID-19, women entrepreneurs and the need for inclusive recovery
G Grandy, W Cukier, S Gagnon
Gender in Management: An International Journal 35 (7/8), 667-675, 2020
Genre, narrative and the" Nigerian Letter" in electronic mail
WL Cukier, EJ Nesselroth, S Cody
2007 40th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS …, 2007
Differential impacts during COVID-19 in Canada: A look at diverse individuals and their businesses
G Mo, W Cukier, A Atputharajah, MI Boase, H Hon
Canadian Public Policy 46 (S3), S261-S271, 2020
Correlates of career satisfaction in Canada—the immigrants’ experience
M Yap, M Holmes, CA Hannan, W Cukier
Journal of International Migration and Integration 15, 49-71, 2014
Facilitating women entrepreneurship in Canada: the case of WEKH
W Cukier, Z Hassannezhad Chavoushi
Gender in Management: An International Journal 35 (3), 303-318, 2020
Soft Skills are hard
W Cukier, J Hodson, A Omar
A Review of the Literature. Ryerson University 50, 2015
Firearms regulation: Canada in the international context
W Cukier
Chronic Dis Can 19 (1), 25-34, 1998
Interplay for change in equality, diversity and inclusion studies
S Gagnon, T Augustin, W Cukier
Human Relations 75 (7), 1327-1353, 2022
Representing women? Leadership roles and women in Canadian broadcast news
W Cukier, S Jackson, MA Elmi, E Roach, D Cyr
Gender in Management: An International Journal 31 (5/6), 374-395, 2016
Gun violence
W Cukier, SA Eagen, G Decat
Aggression and violence, 179-193, 2016
Evaluating the web presence of voluntary sector organizations: An assessment of Canadian web sites
W Cukier, C Middleton
IT & Society 1 (3), 102-130, 2003
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Articles 1–20