Michael O'Malley
Michael O'Malley
Machine Learning Scientist, Expedia
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Cited by
Estimating the travel time and the most likely path from Lagrangian drifters
M O’Malley, AM Sykulski, R Laso-Jadart, MA Madoui
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 38 (5), 1059-1073, 2021
How marine currents and environment shape plankton genomic differentiation: a mosaic view from Tara Oceans metagenomic data
R Laso-Jadart, M O’Malley, AM Sykulski, C Ambroise, MA Madoui
Biorxiv, 2021.04. 29.441957, 2021
Probabilistic Prediction of Oceanographic Velocities with Multivariate Gaussian Natural Gradient Boosting
M O’Malley, AM Sykulski, R Lumpkin, A Schuler
Environmental Data Science 2, e10, 2023
Holistic view of the seascape dynamics and environment impact on macro-scale genetic connectivity of marine plankton populations
R Laso-Jadart, M O’Malley, AM Sykulski, C Ambroise, MA Madoui
BMC Ecology and Evolution 23 (1), 46, 2023
Statistical Modelling and Inference for Ocean Trajectory Data
M O'Malley
PQDT-Global, 2022
Estimating the travel time and the most likely path from the Global Drifter Program
M O'Malley, AM Sykulski, R Laso-Jadart, MA Madoui
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU21-15648, 2021
Estimating Lagrangian Travel Times from Satellite Tracked Drifters
M O'Malley, A Sykulski, R Laso-Jadart
Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020, 2020
Machine learning prediction of surface velocities using drifters and gridded satellite data
A Sykulski, M O'Malley, R Lumpkin
2024 Ocean Sciences Meeting, 0
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