Hasnah Mohd Zaid
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Cited by
A review of technical advances of recent palm bio-waste conversion to activated carbon for energy storage
RT Ayinla, JO Dennis, HM Zaid, YK Sanusi, F Usman, LL Adebayo
Journal of cleaner production 229, 1427-1442, 2019
Experimental study on electromagnetic-assisted ZnO nanofluid flooding for enhanced oil recovery (EOR)
M Adil, K Lee, H Mohd Zaid, NR Ahmad Latiff, MS Alnarabiji
PloS one 13 (2), e0193518, 2018
The effect of nanoparticles crystallite size on the recovery efficiency in dielectric nanofluid flooding
HM Zaid, N Yahya, NRA Latiff
Journal of Nano Research 21, 103-108, 2013
Effect of dispersion stability on electrorheology of water-based ZnO nanofluids
M Adil, HM Zaid, LK Chuan, NRA Latiff
Energy & Fuels 30 (7), 6169-6177, 2016
The effect of zinc oxide and aluminum oxide nanoparticles on interfacial tension and viscosity of nanofluids for enhanced oil recovery
HM Zaid, NR Ahmad Latiff, N Yahya
Advanced Materials Research 1024, 56-59, 2014
Comparative analysis of physiochemical properties of physically activated carbon from palm bio-waste
AR Tobi, JO Dennis, HM Zaid, AA Adekoya, A Yar, U Fahad
Journal of Materials Research and Technology 8 (5), 3688-3695, 2019
Application of electromagnetic waves and dielectric nanoparticles in enhanced oil recovery
HM Zaid, NRA Latiff, N Yahya, H Soleimani, A Shafie
Journal of Nano Research 26, 135-142, 2014
Electromagnetically-induced change in interfacial tension and contact angle of oil droplet using dielectric nanofluids
M Adil, HM Zaid, LK Chuan
Fuel 259, 116274, 2020
Novel enhanced oil recovery method using dielectric zinc oxide nanoparticles activated by electromagnetic waves
NRA Latiff, N Yahya, HM Zaid, B Demiral
2011 National Postgraduate Conference, 1-7, 2011
Application of magnetic and dielectric nanofluids for electromagnetic-assistance enhanced oil recovery: A review
YM Hassan, BH Guan, HM Zaid, MF Hamza, M Adil, AA Adam, K Hastuti
Crystals 11 (2), 106, 2021
A Chemically Amplified Fullerene‐Derivative Molecular Electron‐Beam Resist
F Gibbons, HM Zaid, M Manickam, JA Preece, RE Palmer, APG Robinson
Small 3 (12), 2076-2080, 2007
Chemically amplified molecular resists for electron beam lithography
APG Robinson, HM Zaid, FP Gibbons, RE Palmer, M Manickam, ...
Microelectronic engineering 83 (4-9), 1115-1118, 2006
Novel enhanced oil recovery method using Co2+ xFe2+ 1-xFe3+ 2O4 as magnetic nanoparticles activated by electromagnetic waves
H Soleimani, N Yahya, NRA Latiff, HM Zaid, BMR Demira, J Amighian
Journal of Nano Research 26, 111-116, 2014
Effect of zinc oxide nanoparticle sizes on viscosity of nanofluid for application in enhanced oil recovery
KC Lee, ZA Bin Saipolbahri, H Soleimani, HM Zaid, BH Guan, DLC Ching
Journal of Nano Research 38, 36-39, 2016
Oil recovery by using electromagnetic waves
M Kashif, N Yahya, HM Zaid, A Shafie, M Jasamai, N Nasir, MN Akhter
Journal of Applied Sciences 11 (7), 1366-1370, 2011
Synthesis and charaterization of magnesium zinc ferrites as electromagnetic source
N Yahya, AS Mohamad Nor Aripin, H Daud, H M Zaid
American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 1 (1), 54-57, 2008
Improved oil recovery by high magnetic flux density subjected to iron oxide nanofluids
N Yahya, M Kashif, A Shafie, H Soleimani, HM Zaid, NRA Latiff
Journal of Nano Research 26, 89-99, 2014
Radioactivity in staple foodstuffs and concomitant dose to the population of Jigawa state, Nigeria
YM Hassan, HM Zaid, BH Guan, MU Khandaker, DA Bradley, A Sulieman, ...
Radiation Physics and Chemistry 178, 108945, 2021
Effect of nanoparticles concentration on electromagnetic-assisted oil recovery using ZnO nanofluids
M Adil, K Lee, H Mohd Zaid, MF A. Shukur, T Manaka
Plos one 15 (12), e0244738, 2020
Effect of annealing temperature on the crystallization of hematite-alumina (Fe2O3-Al2O3) nanocomposite and its influence in EOR application
H Soleimani, NRA Latiff, N Yahya, HM Zaid, M Sabet, BH Guan, KC Lee
Journal of Nano Research 29, 105-113, 2014
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Articles 1–20