Morgan Shepherd
Morgan Shepherd
Professor of Information Systems, University of Colorado @ Colorado Springs
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Distance learning in accounting: A comparison between a distance and a traditional graduate accounting class
M Gagne, M Shepherd
THE journal 28 (9), 58-60, 2001
Invoking social comparison to improve electronic brainstorming: Beyond anonymity
MM Shepherd, RO Briggs, BA Reinig, J Yen, JF Nunamaker Jr
Journal of management information systems 12 (3), 155-170, 1995
Consensus and perceived satisfaction levels: A cross-cultural comparison of GSS and non-GSS outcomes within and between the United States and Mexico
RJ Mejias, MM Shepherd, DR Vogel, L Lazaneo
Journal of Management Information Systems 13 (3), 137-161, 1996
Exploring emerging leadership in virtual teams
KL Tyran, CK Tyran, M Shepherd
Virtual teams that work: Creating conditions for virtual team effectiveness …, 2003
Affective reward and the adoption of group support systems: Productivity is not always enough
BA Reinig, RO Briggs, MM Shepherd, J Yen, JF Nunamaker Jr
Journal of Management Information Systems 12 (3), 171-185, 1995
Quality as a function of quantity in electronic brainstorming
RO Briggs, BA Reinig, MM Shepherd, J Yen, JF Nunameker
Proceedings of the thirtieth Hawaii international conference on System …, 1997
Media richness theory and the distance education environment
MM Shepherd, WB Martz Jr
Journal of Computer Information Systems 47 (1), 114-122, 2006
How entrepreneurs think: Why effectuation and effectual logic may be the key to successful enterprise entrepreneurship
T Duening, M Shepherd, A Czaplewski
International Journal of Innovation Science 4 (4), 205-216, 2012
Testing for the transfer of tacit knowledge: making a case for implicit learning
W Benjamin Martz Jr, MM Shepherd
Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education 1 (1), 41-56, 2003
Collaborative technology in the classroom: A review of the GSS research and a research framework
CK Tyran, M Shepherd
Information Technology and Management 2, 395-418, 2001
The materiality of information system planning maturity to project performance
JJ Jiang, G Klein, M Shepherd
Journal of the association for Information Systems 2 (1), 5, 2001
Nontechnical deterrence effects of mild and severe internet use policy reminders in reducing employee internet abuse
MM Shepherd, RJ Mejias
International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction 32 (7), 557-567, 2016
The Effects of Informal Faculty-Student Interaction and Use of Information Technology on Non-Traditional Students' Persistence Intentions and Educational Outcomes.
MM Shepherd, TS Sheu
Journal of Higher Education Theory & Practice 14 (2), 2014
Environmental traits that support a learning organization: The impact on information system development projects
MM Shepherd, DB Tesch, JSC Hsu
Comparative Technology Transfer and Society 4 (2), 196-218, 2006
Group consensus: the impact of multiple dialogues
WB Martz Jr, MM Shepherd
Group Decision and Negotiation 13 (4), 315-325, 2004
Using deterrence to mitigate employee Internet abuse
MM Shepherd, G Klein
2012 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 5261-5266, 2012
Enhancing development team flexibility in IS projects
Y Li, M Shepherd, JYC Liu, G Klein
Information Technology and Management 18, 83-96, 2017
Personal, professional, and political effects of teaching a first-year seminar: A faculty census
M Wanca-Thibault, M Shepherd, C Staley
Journal of the First-Year Experience & Students in Transition 14 (1), 23-40, 2002
GSS meeting productivity and participation equity: a US and Mexico cross-cultural field study
RJ Mejias, DR Vogel, MM Shepherd
Proceedings of the Thirtieth Hawaii International Conference on System …, 1997
Managing distance education for success
WB Martz Jr, M Shepherd
International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies …, 2007
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Articles 1–20