Suhair Alshehri
Cited by
Cited by
Credit card fraud detection in the era of disruptive technologies: A systematic review
A Cherif, A Badhib, H Ammar, S Alshehri, M Kalkatawi, A Imine
Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences 35 (1 …, 2023
Secure access for healthcare data in the cloud using ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption
S Alshehri, SP Radziszowski, RK Raj
2012 IEEE 28th international conference on data engineering workshops, 143-146, 2012
Secure access control for health information sharing systems
S Alshehri, RK Raj
2013 IEEE international conference on healthcare informatics, 277-286, 2013
A survey on authentication techniques for the internet of things
A Albalawi, A Almrshed, A Badhib, S Alshehri
2019 international conference on computer and information sciences (ICCIS), 1-5, 2019
A robust device-to-device continuous authentication protocol for the internet of things
A Badhib, S Alshehri, A Cherif
IEEE Access 9, 124768-124792, 2021
Dynamic secure access control and data sharing through trusted delegation and revocation in a blockchain-enabled cloud-IoT environment
S Alshehri, O Bamasaq, D Alghazzawi, A Jamjoom
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 10 (5), 4239-4256, 2022
A survey on access control in IoT: Models, architectures and research opportunities
S Alnefaie, S Alshehri, A Cherif
International Journal of Security and Networks 16 (1), 60-76, 2021
Real-time DDoS flood attack monitoring and detection (RT-AMD) model for cloud computing
O Bamasag, A Alsaeedi, A Munshi, D Alghazzawi, S Alshehri, A Jamjoom
PeerJ Computer Science 7, e814, 2022
Designing a secure cloud-based ehr system using ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption
S Alshehri, S Radziszowski, RK Raj
Proceedings of the Data Management in the Cloud Workshop, Washington, DC, USA, 2012
Towards a distributed access control model for IoT in healthcare
S Alnefaie, A Cherif, S Alshehri
2019 2nd International Conference on Computer Applications & Information …, 2019
DroidRista: a highly precise static data flow analysis framework for android applications
A Alzaidi, S Alshehri, SM Buhari
International Journal of Information Security 19 (5), 523-536, 2020
Toward effective access control using attributes and pseudoroles
S Alshehri
Rochester Institute of Technology, 2014
Insider threat mitigation and access control in healthcare systems
S Alshehri, S Mishra, R Raj
Using access control to mitigate insider threats to healthcare systems
S Alshehri, S Mishra, RK Raj
2016 IEEE international conference on healthcare informatics (ICHI), 55-60, 2016
Encoder–decoder graph neural network for credit card fraud detection
A Cherif, H Ammar, M Kalkatawi, S Alshehri, A Imine
Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences 36 (3), 102003, 2024
A privacy-preserving collaborative reputation system for mobile crowdsensing
BH Alamri, MM Monowar, S Alshehri
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 14 (9), 1550147718802189, 2018
Aac-iot: Attribute access control scheme for iot using lightweight cryptography and hyperledger fabric blockchain
S Alshehri, O Bamasag
Applied Sciences 12 (16), 8111, 2022
Efficient classification of hyperspectral data using deep neural network model
O Bamasaq, D Alghazzawi, S Alshehri, A Jamjoom, MZ Asghar
Hum. Cent. Comput. Inf. Sci 12, 35, 2022
A distributed fog-based access control architecture for IoT
S Alnefaie, A Cherif, S Alshehri
KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS) 15 (12), 4545-4566, 2021
Blockchain-based access control for the internet of things: A survey
E Abdulrahman, S Alshehri, A Cherif
2021 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Computer Science and Data Engineering …, 2021
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Articles 1–20