Democracy without shortcuts C Lafont Oxford University Press, 2020 | 590 | 2020 |
Deliberation, participation, and democratic legitimacy: Should deliberative mini‐publics shape public policy? C Lafont Journal of political philosophy 23 (1), 40-63, 2015 | 513 | 2015 |
The linguistic turn in hermeneutic philosophy C Lafont Mit Press, 1999 | 347 | 1999 |
Heidegger, language, and world-disclosure C Lafont Cambridge University Press, 2000 | 258 | 2000 |
La razón como lenguaje. Una revisión del" giro lingüístico" en la filosofía del lenguaje alemana C Lafont Critica 26 (76/77), 1994 | 257 | 1994 |
Religion in the public sphere: remarks on Habermas’s conception of public deliberation in postsecular societies C Lafont Habermas and Law, 277-297, 2020 | 173 | 2020 |
Religion and the public sphere: What are the deliberative obligations of democratic citizenship? C Lafont Philosophy & Social Criticism 35 (1-2), 127-150, 2009 | 167 | 2009 |
Is the ideal of a deliberative democracy coherent? C Lafont Deliberative democracy and its discontents, 3-25, 2017 | 142 | 2017 |
Sprache und Welterschließung: Zur linguistischen Wende der Hermeneutik Heideggers C Lafont | 139 | 1994 |
Lenguaje y apertura del mundo: el giro lingüístico de la hermenéutica de Heidegger C Lafont Alianza Editorial, 1997 | 130 | 1997 |
Can democracy be deliberative & participatory? The democratic case for political uses of mini-publics C Lafont Daedalus 146 (3), 85-105, 2017 | 113 | 2017 |
Heidegger’s hermeneutics 1 C Lafont Law's Hermeneutics, 11-33, 2017 | 99 | 2017 |
Habermas-Handbuch H Brunkhorst, R Kreide, C Lafont Springer-Verlag, 2009 | 95 | 2009 |
Procedural justice? Implications of the Rawls-Habermas debate for discourse ethics C Lafont Philosophy & social criticism 29 (2), 163-181, 2003 | 90 | 2003 |
Moral objectivity and reasonable agreement: Can realism be reconciled with Kantian constructivism? C Lafont Ratio Juris 17 (1), 27-51, 2004 | 79 | 2004 |
Accountability and global governance: challenging the state-centric conception of human rights C Lafont Ethics & Global Politics 3 (3), 193-215, 2010 | 75 | 2010 |
Critical theory in critical times: Transforming the global political and economic order P Deutscher, C Lafont Columbia University Press, 2017 | 58 | 2017 |
The prospects & limits of deliberative democracy JS Dryzek, SA Ercan, CM Hendriks, S Niemeyer, B Manin, H Landemore, ... Journal of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences 146 (3), 6-166, 2017 | 57 | 2017 |
Alternative visions of a new global order: what should cosmopolitans hope for? C Lafont Ethics & Global Politics 1 (1-2), 41-60, 2008 | 56 | 2008 |
Global Governance and Human Rights C Lafont | 55 | 2012 |