Jon Derek Loftis
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Cited by
The storm surge and sub-grid inundation modeling in New York City during Hurricane Sandy
HV Wang, JD Loftis, Z Liu, D Forrest, J Zhang
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 2 (1), 226-246, 2014
The Floodwater Depth Estimation Tool (FwDET v2. 0) for improved remote sensing analysis of coastal flooding
S Cohen, A Raney, D Munasinghe, JD Loftis, A Molthan, J Bell, L Rogers, ...
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 19 (9), 2053-2065, 2019
Anthropocene Sea level change: A history of recent trends observed in the US East, Gulf, and West Coast Regions
JD Boon, M Mitchell, JD Loftis, DL Malmquist
StormSense: A new integrated network of IoT water level sensors in the smart cities of Hampton Roads, VA
JD Loftis, D Forrest, S Katragadda, K Spencer, T Organski, C Nguyen, ...
Marine Technology Society Journal 52 (2), 56-67, 2018
Collaborative science to enhance coastal resilience and adaptation
CR Nichols, LD Wright, SJ Bainbridge, A Cosby, A Hénaff, JD Loftis, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 404, 2019
Nanosized controlled surface pretreatment of biometallic alloy 316L stainless steel
TM Abdel-Fattah, D Loftis, A Mahapatro
Journal of biomedical nanotechnology 7 (6), 794-800, 2011
Citizen-science for the future: Advisory case studies from around the globe
C Simoniello, J Jencks, FM Lauro, JD Loftis, JM Weslawski, K Deja, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 225, 2019
Validating an operational flood forecast model using citizen science in Hampton Roads, VA, USA
JD Loftis, M Mitchell, D Schatt, DR Forrest, HV Wang, D Mayfield, ...
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 7 (8), 242, 2019
Using Lidar Elevation Data to Develop a Topobathymetric Digital Elevation Model for Sub-Grid Inundation Modeling at Langley Research Center
JD Loftis, HV Wang, RJ DeYoung, WB Ball
Journal of Coastal Research 76 (sp1), 134-148, 2016
Emerging flood model validation frameworks for street-level inundation modeling with StormSense
JD Loftis, H Wang, D Forrest, S Rhee, C Nguyen
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Science of Smart City …, 2017
Modeling storm surge and inundation in Washington, DC, during Hurricane Isabel and the 1936 Potomac River Great Flood
HV Wang, JD Loftis, D Forrest, W Smith, B Stamey
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 3 (3), 607-629, 2015
Ionic liquid electropolishing of metal alloys for biomedical applications
TM Abdel-Fattah, JD Loftis, A Mahapatro
ECS Transactions 25 (19), 57, 2010
Nanoscale electropolishing of high-purity silver with a deep eutectic solvent
JD Loftis, TM Abdel-Fattah
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 511, 113-119, 2016
Effects of tidal flooding on estuarine biogeochemistry: Quantifying flood-driven nitrogen inputs in an urban, lower Chesapeake Bay sub-tributary
A Macías-Tapia, MR Mulholland, CR Selden, JD Loftis, PW Bernhardt
Water Research 201, 117329, 2021
Cross-scale modeling of storm surge, tide, and inundation in Mid-Atlantic Bight and New York City during Hurricane Sandy, 2012
Z Liu, H Wang, YJ Zhang, L Magnusson, JD Loftis, D Forrest
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 233, 106544, 2020
Comparison of electropolishing of aluminum in a deep eutectic medium and acidic electrolyte
TM Abdel-Fattah, JD Loftis
Molecules 25 (23), 5712, 2020
Comparison of the electrochemical polishing of copper and aluminum in acid and acid-free media
TM Abdel-Fattah, JD Loftis
ECS Transactions 25 (7), 327, 2009
Nanoscale electropolishing of high-purity nickel with an ionic liquid
JD Loftis, TM Abdel-Fattah
International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy, and Materials 26, 649-656, 2019
Nanoscale Electrochemical Polishing and Preconditioning of Biometallic Nickel-Titanium Alloys
TM Abdel-Fattah, JD Loftis, A Mahapatro
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 5 (2), 36-44, 2015
Hydrodynamic and water quality modeling and TMDL development for Maryland’s coastal Bays system
H Wang, Z Wang, JD Loftis, YC Teng
Final report submitted to Maryland Department of the Environment, TMDL …, 2013
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Articles 1–20