Yvan Leanza
Yvan Leanza
Professor of Psychology, Université Laval
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Cited by
Roles of community interpreters in pediatrics as seen by interpreters, physicians and researchers
Y Leanza
Healthcare interpreting: Discourse and interaction, 11-34, 2008
Working with interpreters in health care: A systematic review and meta-ethnography of qualitative studies
C Brisset, Y Leanza, K Laforest
Patient education and counseling 91 (2), 131-140, 2013
Doctor–patient communication in primary care with an interpreter: physician perceptions of professional and family interpreters
E Rosenberg, Y Leanza, R Seller
Patient education and counseling 67 (3), 286-292, 2007
A systematic review of patients’ experiences in communicating with primary care physicians: intercultural encounters and a balance between vulnerability and integrity
R Rocque, Y Leanza
PloS one 10 (10), e0139577, 2015
Through interpreters’ eyes: comparing roles of professional and family interpreters
E Rosenberg, R Seller, Y Leanza
Patient education and counseling 70 (1), 87-93, 2008
Qualitative studies of insomnia: Current state of knowledge in the field
T Araújo, DC Jarrin, Y Leanza, A Vallières, CM Morin
Sleep medicine reviews 31, 58-69, 2017
Interruptions and resistance: a comparison of medical consultations with family and trained interpreters
Y Leanza, I Boivin, E Rosenberg
Social science & medicine 70 (12), 1888-1895, 2010
Language barriers in mental health care: A survey of primary care practitioners
C Brisset, Y Leanza, E Rosenberg, B Vissandjée, LJ Kirmayer, G Muckle, ...
Journal of immigrant and minority health 16 (6), 1238-1246, 2014
Working with interpreters
Y Leanza, A Miklavcic, I Boivin, E Rosenberg
Cultural consultation: Encountering the other in mental health care, 89-114, 2013
Sleep and quality of life in urban poverty: the effect of a slum housing upgrading program
G Simonelli, Y Leanza, A Boilard, M Hyland, JL Augustinavicius, ...
Sleep 36 (11), 1669-1676, 2013
Integration of interpreters in mental health interventions with children and adolescents: The need for a framework
Y Leanza, I Boivin, MR Moro, C Rousseau, C Brisset, E Rosenberg, ...
Transcultural psychiatry 52 (3), 353-375, 2015
Intégrations et migrations: regards pluridisciplinaires
C Perregaux, T Ogay, Y Leanza, P Dasen
L'Harmattan, 2001
Using patient companions as interpreters in the Emergency Department: An interdisciplinary quantitative and qualitative assessment
A Cox, E Rosenberg, AS Thommeret-Carrière, L Huyghens, P Humblé, ...
Patient Education and Counseling 102 (8), 1439-1445, 2019
The patient's lifeworld: Building meaningful clinical encounters between patients, physicians and interpreters
Y Leanza, I Boivin, E Rosenberg
Communication & medicine 10 (1), 13-25, 2014
Risk, disaster and crisis reduction
V November, Y Leanza
Mobilizing, Collecting and Sharing Information. Cham: Springer, 2015
Community interpreter’s power: The hazards of a disturbing attribute
Y Leanza
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Ethnomedizin (AGEM), 2008
L’interprète médiateur communautaire: entre ambiguïté et polyvalence
Y Leanza*
L’autre 7 (1), 109-123, 2006
Pluralité culturelle à l'école: les apports de la psychologie interculturelle
T Ogay, Y Leanza, PR Dasen, N Changkakotti
VEI enjeux, 36-64, 2002
Exercer la pédiatrie en contexte multiculturel: une approche complémentariste du rapport institutionnalisé à l'autre
YR Leanza
Georg éditeur, 2011
A typology of healthcare interpreter positionings: When “neutral” means “proactive”
F René de Cotret, C Brisset, Y Leanza
Interpreting 23 (1), 103-126, 2021
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Articles 1–20