Articles with public access mandates - Xiaodan RenLearn more
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Computational investigation on damage of reinforced concrete slab subjected to underwater explosion
L Hai, X Ren
Ocean Engineering 195, 106671, 2020
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Analytic solution for the bond stress-slip relationship between rebar and concrete
X Gao, N Li, X Ren
Construction and Building Materials 197, 385-397, 2019
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Stochastic damage hysteretic model for concrete based on micromechanical approach
D Feng, X Ren, J Li
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 83, 15-25, 2016
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Copula-based quantification of probabilistic dependence configurations of material parameters in damage constitutive modeling of concrete
J Tao, J Chen, X Ren
Journal of Structural Engineering 146 (9), 04020194, 2020
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China, German Research Foundation
Numerical investigation on damage of concrete gravity dam during noncontact underwater explosion
X Ren, Y Shao
Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities 33 (6), 04019066, 2019
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Nonlinear dynamic analysis of frame-core tube building under seismic sequential ground motions by a supercomputer
J Shen, X Ren, Y Zhang, J Chen
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 124, 86-97, 2019
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Bond behavior between steel reinforcing bars and concrete under dynamic loads
X Gao, X Ren, J Li, Y Zhang
Structural Concrete 19 (6), 1806-1817, 2018
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
High-fidelity numerical analysis of the damage and failure mechanisms of a prestressed concrete containment vessel under internal pressure
YP Liang, DC Feng, X Ren
Nuclear Engineering and Design 383, 111439, 2021
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Damage Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Structures through Damage Indices: A State-of-the-Art Review.
DA Makhloof, AR Ibrahim, X Ren
Cmes-Computer Modeling In Engineering & Sciences 128 (3), 2021
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Probabilistic model of the minimum effective cross-section area of non-uniform corroded steel bars
X Gao, Y Pan, X Ren
Construction and Building Materials 216, 227-238, 2019
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Two-level consistent secant operators for cyclic loading of structures
X Ren, J Li
Journal of Engineering Mechanics 144 (8), 04018065, 2018
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Building Information Model–based finite element analysis of high-rise building community subjected to extreme earthquakes
X Ren, W Fan, J Li, J Chen
Advances in Structural Engineering 22 (4), 971-981, 2019
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Rate effect on the stress–strain behavior of concrete under uniaxial tensile stress
X Gao, L Zhou, X Ren, J Li
Structural Concrete 22, E815-E830, 2021
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Random fields representation over manifolds via isometric feature mapping‐based dimension reduction
DC Feng, YP Liang, X Ren, J Li
Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 37 (5), 593-611, 2022
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Efficient stochastic finite element analysis of irregular wall structures with inelastic random field properties over manifold
YP Liang, X Ren, DC Feng
Computational Mechanics, 1-17, 2022
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Comparative study of influential factors for punching shear resistance/failure of RC slab-column joints using machine-learning models
S Liang, Y Shen, X Ren
Structures 45, 1333-1349, 2022
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Uncertainty quantification of random fields based on spatially sparse data by synthesizing Bayesian compressive sensing and stochastic harmonic function
J He, J Chen, X Ren, J Li
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 153, 107377, 2021
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
A shake table test study of reinforced concrete shear wall model structures exhibiting strong non-linear behaviors
J He, J Chen, X Ren, J Li
Engineering Structures 212, 110481, 2020
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Numerical modeling and simulation of a prestressed concrete containment vessel
JY Wu, DD Hao, WS Li, XD Ren
Annals of Nuclear Energy 121, 269-283, 2018
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Compressive behavior of stirrup-confined concrete under dynamic loading
X Ren, K Liu, J Li, X Gao
Construction and Building Materials 154, 10-22, 2017
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
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