Xiaodan Ren
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Cited by
Stochastic damage model for concrete based on energy equivalent strain
J Li, X Ren
International Journal of Solids and Structures 46 (11-12), 2407-2419, 2009
A rate-dependent stochastic damage–plasticity model for quasi-brittle materials
X Ren, S Zeng, J Li
Computational Mechanics 55, 267-285, 2015
Softened damage-plasticity model for analysis of cracked reinforced concrete structures
DC Feng, XD Ren, J Li
Journal of Structural Engineering 144 (6), 04018044, 2018
Behavior of high-performance concrete under uniaxial and biaxial loading
X Ren, W Yang, Y Zhou, J Li
ACI materials journal 105 (6), 548, 2008
Cyclic behavior modeling of reinforced concrete shear walls based on softened damage-plasticity model
DC Feng, XD Ren, J Li
Engineering Structures 166, 363-375, 2018
Micro-cracks informed damage models for brittle solids
X Ren, JS Chen, J Li, TR Slawson, MJ Roth
International journal of solids and structures 48 (10), 1560-1571, 2011
Stochastic harmonic function representation of random fields for material properties of structures
J Chen, J He, X Ren, J Li
Journal of Engineering Mechanics 144 (7), 04018049, 2018
Computational investigation on damage of reinforced concrete slab subjected to underwater explosion
L Hai, X Ren
Ocean Engineering 195, 106671, 2020
Analytic solution for the bond stress-slip relationship between rebar and concrete
X Gao, N Li, X Ren
Construction and Building Materials 197, 385-397, 2019
Implicit gradient delocalization method for force-based frame element
DC Feng, X Ren, J Li
Journal of Structural Engineering 142 (2), 04015122, 2016
Multi-scale based fracture and damage analysis of steel fiber reinforced concrete
X Ren, J Li
Engineering Failure Analysis 35, 253-261, 2013
Stochastic damage hysteretic model for concrete based on micromechanical approach
D Feng, X Ren, J Li
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 83, 15-25, 2016
A unified dynamic model for concrete considering viscoplasticity and rate-dependent damage
X Ren, J Li
International Journal of Damage Mechanics 22 (4), 530-555, 2013
Copula-based quantification of probabilistic dependence configurations of material parameters in damage constitutive modeling of concrete
J Tao, J Chen, X Ren
Journal of Structural Engineering 146 (9), 04020194, 2020
Triaxial behavior of concrete subjected to dynamic compression
S Zeng, X Ren, J Li
Journal of Structural Engineering 139 (9), 1582-1592, 2013
A competitive mechanism driven damage-plasticity model for fatigue behavior of concrete
J Liang, X Ren, J Li
International Journal of Damage Mechanics 25 (3), 377-399, 2016
Enriched force-based frame element with evolutionary plastic hinge
DC Feng, XD Ren
Journal of Structural Engineering 143 (10), 06017005, 2017
A random medium model for simulation of concrete failure
SX Liang, XD Ren, J Li
Science China Technological Sciences 56, 1273-1281, 2013
李杰, 任晓丹
力学进展 40 (3), 284-298, 2010
Incremental dynamic analysis of seismic collapse of super‐tall building structures
T Huang, X Ren, J Li
The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings 26 (16), e1370, 2017
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Articles 1–20