E. Semih Perdahcioglu
E. Semih Perdahcioglu
Chair of Nonlinear Solid Mechanics, University of Twente
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Influence of plastic strain on deformation-induced martensitic transformations
ES Perdahcıoğlu, HJM Geijselaers, M Groen
Scripta Materialia 58 (11), 947-950, 2008
Constitutive modeling of two phase materials using the mean field method for homogenization
ES Perdahcıoğlu, HJM Geijselaers
International journal of material forming 4 (2), 93-102, 2011
Mechanically induced martensitic transformation as a stress-driven process
HJM Geijselaers, ES Perdahcıoğlu
Scripta Materialia 60 (1), 29-31, 2009
A comparison between dynamic implicit and explicit finite element simulations of the native knee joint
HN Beidokhti, D Janssen, M Khoshgoftar, A Sprengers, ES Perdahcioglu, ...
Medical engineering & physics 38 (10), 1123-1130, 2016
Influence of stress state and strain path on deformation induced martensitic transformations
ES Perdahcıoğlu, HJM Geijselaers, J Huétink
Materials Science and Engineering: A 481, 727-731, 2008
A macroscopic model to simulate the mechanically induced martensitic transformation in metastable austenitic stainless steels
ES Perdahcıoğlu, HJM Geijselaers
Acta materialia 60 (11), 4409-4419, 2012
Strain direction dependency of martensitic transformation in austenitic stainless steels: The effect of γ-texture
P Hilkhuijsen, HJM Geijselaers, TC Bor, ES Perdahcıoğlu, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 573, 100-105, 2013
On the nonlinear anelastic behavior of AHSS
A Torkabadi, ES Perdahcıoğlu, VT Meinders, AH Van den Boogaard
International journal of solids and structures 151, 2-8, 2018
Microscopic investigation of damage mechanisms and anisotropic evolution of damage in DP600
EE Aşık, ES Perdahcıoğlu, AH van den Boogaard
Materials Science and Engineering: A 739, 348-356, 2019
A local constitutive model with anisotropy for various homogeneous 2D biaxial deformation modes
S Luding, ES Perdahcıoğlu
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 83 (5), 672-688, 2011
Constitutive modeling of metastable austenitic stainless steel
ES Perdahcıoğlu, HJM Geijselaers, J Huétink
International journal of material forming 1, 97-100, 2008
An RVE-based study of the effect of martensite banding on damage evolution in dual phase steels
EE Aşık, ES Perdahcıoğlu, T van den Boogaard
Materials 13 (7), 1795, 2020
A new in-plane bending test to determine flow curves for materials with low uniform elongation
S Naseem, ES Perdahcıoğlu, HJM Geijselaers, AH van den Boogaard
Experimental Mechanics 60, 1225-1238, 2020
Numerical and experimental validation of a new damage initiation criterion
M Sadhinoch, EH Atzema, ES Perdahcioglu, AH Van Den Boogaard
Journal of physics: Conference series 896 (1), 012080, 2017
A Continuum Model for the Effect of Dynamic Recrystallization on the Stress–Strain Response
H Kooiker, ES Perdahcıoğlu, AH Boogaard
Materials 11 (5), 867, 2018
A class of rate-independent lower-order gradient plasticity theories: Implementation and application to disc torsion problem
ES Perdahcıoğlu, C Soyarslan, EE Aşık, T Van den Boogaard, ...
Materials 11 (8), 1425, 2018
Combined athermal and isothermal martensite to austenite reversion kinetics, experiment and modelling
H Kooiker, ES Perdahcıoğlu, AH van den Boogaard
Materials & Design 196, 109124, 2020
Numerical modeling of advanced materials
T Meinders, ES Perdahcıoğlu, M van Riel, HH Wisselink
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 48 (5), 485-498, 2008
An in-plane bending test to characterize edge ductility in high-strength steels
MM Khalilabad, ES Perdahcıoğlu, EH Atzema, AH van den Boogaard
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 32 (4), 1892-1904, 2023
Mechanical behavior of multi-phase steels comprising retained austenite
ES Perdahcıoğlu, HJM Geijselaers
Materials 15 (2), 498, 2022
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Articles 1–20