Articles with public access mandates - Dylan WalsheLearn more
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Wood waste decomposition in landfills: An assessment of current knowledge and implications for emissions reporting
J O'Dwyer, D Walshe, KA Byrne
Waste Management 73, 181-188, 2018
Mandates: Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Ireland
Assessing citizen science participation skill for altruism or university course credit: A case study analysis using cyclone center
C Phillips, D Walshe, K O'Regan, K Strong, C Hennon, K Knapp, ...
Mandates: US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Investigating the Effects of k and Area Size on Variance Estimation of Multiple Pixel Areas Using a k-NN Technique for Forest Parameters
D Walshe, D McInerney, J Paulo Pereira, KA Byrne
Remote Sensing 13 (22), 4688, 2021
Mandates: Irish Research Council
Application of small area variance estimates of forest parameters using earth observation auxiliary variables and a k-Nearest Neighbours technique.
D Walshe, D McInerney, JP Pereira, KA Byrne
Authorea Preprints, 2022
Mandates: Irish Research Council
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