Jahfer Sharif
Jahfer Sharif
Post Doctoral researcher, IBS Center for Climate Physics, Pusan National University
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Cited by
Long-term impact of Amazon river runoff on northern hemispheric climate
S Jahfer, PN Vinayachandran, RS Nanjundiah
Scientific reports 7 (1), 10989, 2017
Impact of river runoff into the ocean on Indian summer monsoon
PN Vinayachandran, S Jahfer, RS Nanjundiah
Environmental Research Letters 10 (5), 054008, 2015
The role of Amazon river runoff on the multidecadal variability of the Atlantic ITCZ
S Jahfer, PN Vinayachandran, RS Nanjundiah
Environmental Research Letters 15 (5), 054013, 2020
Maintenance of the southern Bay of Bengal cold pool
PN Vinayachandran, U Das, D Shankar, S Jahfer, A Behara, TMB Nair, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 179, 104624, 2020
Coastal circulation off Ratnagiri, west coast of India during monsoon seasons: a numerical model study
SV Samiksha, J Sharif, P Vethamony
NISCAIR-CSIR, India, 2014
Decoupling of Arctic variability from the North Pacific in a warmer climate
S Jahfer, KJ Ha, CLE Franzke, SS Lee, KB Rodgers, DE Lee
npj Climate and Atmospheric Science 6 (1), 154, 2023
Unveiling the role of tropical Pacific on the emergence of ice-free Arctic projections
S Jahfer, KJ Ha, ES Chung, CLE Franzke, S Sharma
Environmental Research Letters 19 (4), 044033, 2024
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Articles 1–7