Muharman Lubis
Muharman Lubis
Associate Professor, Head of Information System Master Program, Telkom University
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Information Security Awareness at the Knowledge-Based Institution: Its Antecedents and Measures
AR Ahlan, M Lubis, AR Lubis
Procedia Computer Science 72, 361-373, 2015
Counterattacking Cyber Threats: A Framework for the Future of Cybersecurity
MF Safitra, M Lubis, H Fakhrurroja
Sustainability 15 (18), 13369, 2023
Optimization of Distance Formula in K-Nearest Neighbor Method
AR Lubis, M Lubis
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics 9 (1), 326-338, 2020
Perancangan Buku Elektronik pada Pelajaran Matematika Bangun Ruang Sekolah Dasar Berbasis Augmented Reality
QJ Adrian, A Ambarwari, M Lubis
Simetris: Jurnal Teknik Mesin, Elektro dan Ilmu Komputer 11 (1), 171-176, 2020
Enhancement of Zakat Distribution Management System: Case Study in Malaysia
M Lubis, NI bt. Yaacob, Y Omar, ARA Dahlan
International Management Conference (IMAC), 1-10, 2011
Towards Achieving the Efficiency in Zakat Management System: Interaction Design for Optimization in Indonesia
M Lubis, AH Azizah
User Science and Engineering, 289-301, 2018
Big Data Forecasting Applied Nearest Neighbor Method
AR Lubis, M Lubis, Al-Khowarizmi, D Listriani
2019 International Conference on Sustainable Engineering and Creative …, 2019
Comparison Between Client-Side and Server-Side Rendering in the Web Development
TF Iskandar, M Lubis, TF Kusumasari, AR Lubis
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 801 (1), 012136, 2020
The Role of Faster R-CNN Algorithm in the Internet of Things to Detect Mask Wearing: The Endemic Preparations
MD Nasution, RF Rahmat, AR Lubis, M Lubis
International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications, 691-696, 2023
Exploring the User Engagement Factors in Computer Mediated Communication
M Lubis, A Khairiansyah, QJ Adrian, A Almaarif
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1235:012040, 2019
The Effect of a SECoS in Crude Palm Oil Forecasting to Improve Business Intelligence
AK Al-Khowarizmi, IR Nasution, M Lubis, AR Lubis
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics 9 (4), 1604-1611, 2020
A Case Study of Universities Dormitory Residence Management System (DRMS) in Indonesia
M Lubis, R Fauzi, AR Lubis, R Fauzi
Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM), 2018 6th International Conference on, 2018
The Indonesia Public Information Disclosure Act (UU-KIP): Its Challenges and Responses
M Lubis, TF Kusumasari, L Hakim
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) 8 (1 …, 2018
Cyber Resilience: Research Opportunities
MF Safitra, M Lubis, MT Kurniawan
Proceedings of the 2023 6th international conference on electronics …, 2023
Critical Failure Factors in Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Implementation: Case Study of PT. Toyota Astra Motor Indonesia
SJ Prasetyo, M Lubis, RW Witjaksono, AH Azizah
2019 Fourth International Conference on Informatics and Computing (ICIC), 1-5, 2019
Privacy and Trust in the Islamic Perspective: Implication of the Digital Age
M Lubis, M Kartiwi
Information and Communication Technology for the Muslim World (ICT4M), 2013 …, 2013
ITSM Analysis using ITIL V3 in Service Operation in PT. Inovasi Tjaraka Buana
M Lubis, RC Annisyah, LL Winiyanti
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 847 (1), 012077, 2020
Analysis of Project Integration on Smart Parking System in Telkom University
M Lubis, R Fauzi, AR Lubis, R Fauzi
Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM), 2018 6th International Conference on, 2018
Architecture Model of Information Technology Infrastructure based on Service Quality at Government Institution
A Widjajarto, M Lubis, U Yunan
Procedia Computer Science 161, 841-850, 2019
Sentiment Analysis on Online Learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic Based on Opinions on Twitter using KNN Method
AR Lubis, S Prayudani, M Lubis, O Nugroho
2022 1st International Conference on Information System and Information …, 2022
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Articles 1–20