Nguyen Dinh Dang
Nguyen Dinh Dang
Quantum Hadron Physics Lab, RIKEN Nishina Center, Hirosawa, Wako City, 351-0198 Saitama, Japan
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Ground-state correlations beyond RPA
F Catara, ND Dang, M Sambataro
Nuclear Physics A 579 (1-2), 1-12, 1994
Quantal and Thermal Dampings of Giant Dipole Resonances in , , and
ND Dang, A Arima
Physical review letters 80 (19), 4145, 1998
Temperature dependence of quantal and thermal dampings of the hot giant dipole resonance
ND Dang, A Arima
Nuclear Physics A 636 (4), 427-451, 1998
Simultaneous microscopic description of nuclear level density and radiative strength function
NQ Hung, ND Dang, LTQ Huong
Physical Review Letters 118 (2), 022502, 2017
Improved treatment of ground-state correlations: Modified random phase approximation
ND Dang, V Zelevinsky
Physical Review C 64 (6), 064319, 2001
Modified Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov theory at finite temperature
ND Dang, A Arima
Physical Review C 68 (1), 014318, 2003
Spreading of the Gamow-Teller Resonance in Nb and Bi
ND Dang, A Arima, T Suzuki, S Yamaji
Physical review letters 79 (9), 1638, 1997
Lipkin-Nogami method at finite temperature in the static-path approximation
ND Dang, P Ring, R Rossignoli
Physical Review C 47 (2), 606, 1993
Influence of particle number fluctuations and vibrational modes on thermodynamic characteristics of a hot nucleus
ND Dang
Zeitschrift für Physik A Atomic Nuclei 335, 253-264, 1990
Thermal quasiparticle correlations and continuum coupling in nuclei far from stability
ND Dang, A Arima
Physical Review C 67 (1), 014304, 2003
Finite temperature projected calculations in the static path approximation
R Rossignoli, P Ring, ND Dang
Physics Letters B 297 (1-2), 9-13, 1992
Exact and approximate ensemble treatments of thermal pairing in a multilevel model
NQ Hung, ND Dang
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 79 (5), 054328, 2009
Image-guided intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IG-IMRT) for biliary adenocarcinomas: Initial clinical results
CD Fuller, ND Dang, SJ Wang, P Desai, M Choi, CR Thomas Jr, M Fuss
Radiotherapy and Oncology 92 (2), 249-254, 2009
Pairing within the self-consistent quasiparticle random-phase approximation at finite temperature
ND Dang, NQ Hung
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 77 (6), 064315, 2008
Probing the critical behavior in the evolution of GDR width at very low temperatures in A∼ 100 mass region
B Dey, D Mondal, D Pandit, S Mukhopadhyay, S Pal, S Bhattacharya, ...
Physics Letters B 731, 92-96, 2014
Pairing effect on the giant dipole resonance width at low temperature
ND Dang, A Arima
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 68 (4), 044303, 2003
Shape evolution of the hot giant dipole resonance
DN Dinh, K Tanabe, A Arima
Nuclear Physics A 645 (4), 536-558, 1999
Pygmy and giant dipole resonances in neutron-rich nuclei within the quasiparticle representation of the phonon damping model
ND Dang, VK Au, T Suzuki, A Arima
Physical Review C 63 (4), 044302, 2001
Contribution of higher-order processes to the damping of hot giant dipole resonance
ND Dang, K Tanabe, A Arima
Physical Review C 58 (6), 3374, 1998
S-shaped heat capacity in an odd–odd deformed nucleus
B Dey, NQ Hung, D Pandit, S Bhattacharya, ND Dang, LTQ Huong, ...
Physics Letters B 789, 634-638, 2019
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