Yong-Lei Wang
Yong-Lei Wang
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Strong coupling between magnons and microwave photons in on-chip ferromagnet-superconductor thin-film devices
Y Li, T Polakovic, YL Wang, J Xu, S Lendinez, Z Zhang, J Ding, T Khaire, ...
Physical review letters 123 (10), 107701, 2019
Origin of the turn-on temperature behavior in
YL Wang, LR Thoutam, ZL Xiao, J Hu, S Das, ZQ Mao, J Wei, R Divan, ...
Physical Review B 92 (18), 180402, 2015
Observation of ordered vortices with Andreev bound states in Ba 0.6 K 0.4 Fe 2 As 2
L Shan, YL Wang, B Shen, B Zeng, Y Huang, A Li, D Wang, H Yang, ...
Nature Physics 7 (4), 325-331, 2011
Rewritable artificial magnetic charge ice
YL Wang, ZL Xiao, A Snezhko, J Xu, LE Ocola, R Divan, JE Pearson, ...
Science 352 (6288), 962-966, 2016
Superconductivity and phase diagrams of the 4 d-and 5 d-metal-doped iron arsenides SrFe 2− x M x As 2 (M= Rh, Ir, Pd)
F Han, X Zhu, P Cheng, G Mu, Y Jia, L Fang, Y Wang, H Luo, B Zeng, ...
Physical Review B 80 (2), 024506, 2009
Point-contact spectroscopy of iron-based layered superconductor LaO0. 9F0. 1− δFeAs
L Shan, Y Wang, X Zhu, G Mu, L Fang, C Ren, HH Wen
EPL (Europhysics Letters) 83 (5), 57004, 2008
Temperature-Dependent Three-Dimensional Anisotropy of the Magnetoresistance in
LR Thoutam, YL Wang, ZL Xiao, S Das, A Luican-Mayer, R Divan, ...
Physical review letters 115 (4), 046602, 2015
Superconducting diode effect via conformal-mapped nanoholes
YY Lyu, J Jiang, YL Wang, ZL Xiao, S Dong, QH Chen, MV Milošević, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 1-7, 2021
Multiple gaps in SmFeAsO0. 9F0. 1 revealed by point-contact spectroscopy
YL Wang, L Shan, L Fang, P Cheng, C Ren, HH Wen
Superconductor Science and Technology 22 (1), 015018, 2008
Networks of ultrasmall Pd/Cr nanowires as high performance hydrogen sensors
XQ Zeng, YL Wang, H Deng, ML Latimer, ZL Xiao, J Pearson, T Xu, ...
Acs Nano 5 (9), 7443-7452, 2011
Evidence of a spin resonance mode in the iron-based superconductor Ba 0.6 K 0.4 Fe 2 As 2 from scanning tunneling spectroscopy
L Shan, J Gong, YL Wang, B Shen, X Hou, C Ren, C Li, H Yang, HH Wen, ...
Physical review letters 108 (22), 227002, 2012
Enhancing the critical current of a superconducting film in a wide range of magnetic fields with a conformal array of nanoscale holes
YL Wang, ML Latimer, ZL Xiao, R Divan, LE Ocola, GW Crabtree, ...
Physical Review B 87 (22), 220501, 2013
Switchable geometric frustration in an artificial-spin-ice–superconductor heterosystem
YL Wang, X Ma, J Xu, ZL Xiao, A Snezhko, R Divan, LE Ocola, ...
Nature nanotechnology 13 (7), 560-565, 2018
Imaging atomic-scale effects of high-energy ion irradiation on superconductivity and vortex pinning in Fe (Se, Te)
F Massee, PO Sprau, YL Wang, JCS Davis, G Ghigo, GD Gu, WK Kwok
Science Advances 1 (4), e1500033, 2015
Origin of the extremely large magnetoresistance in the semimetal YSb
WKK J. Xu, N. J. Ghimire, J. S. Jiang, Z. L. Xiao, A. S. Botana, Y. L. Wang ...
Physical Review B 96, 075159, 2017
Evidence of multiple nodeless energy gaps in superconducting Ba 0.6 K 0.4 Fe 2 As 2 single crystals from scanning tunneling spectroscopy
L Shan, YL Wang, J Gong, B Shen, Y Huang, H Yang, C Ren, HH Wen
Physical Review B 83 (6), 060510, 2011
Separation of electron and hole dynamics in the semimetal LaSb
F Han, J Xu, AS Botana, ZL Xiao, YL Wang, WG Yang, DY Chung, ...
Physical Review B 96 (12), 125112, 2017
Extended Kohler’s Rule of Magnetoresistance
J Xu, F Han, TT Wang, LR Thoutam, SE Pate, M Li, X Zhang, YL Wang, ...
Physical Review X 11 (4), 041029, 2021
Effect of hexagonal patterned arrays and defect geometry on the critical current of superconducting films
IA Sadovskyy, YL Wang, ZL Xiao, WK Kwok, A Glatz
Physical Review B 95 (7), 075303, 2017
Weak-coupling Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer superconductivity in the electron-doped cuprate superconductors
L Shan, Y Huang, YL Wang, S Li, J Zhao, P Dai, YZ Zhang, C Ren, ...
Physical Review B 77 (1), 014526, 2008
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