Lawrence Drummy
Cited by
Cited by
Dissolution and Regeneration of Bombyx mori Silk Fibroin Using Ionic Liquids
DM Phillips, LF Drummy, DG Conrady, DM Fox, RR Naik, MO Stone, ...
Journal of the American chemical society 126 (44), 14350-14351, 2004
Mechanism for Liquid Phase Exfoliation of MoS2
A Jawaid, D Nepal, K Park, M Jespersen, A Qualley, P Mirau, LF Drummy, ...
Chemistry of Materials 28 (1), 337-348, 2016
Plug-and-play priors for bright field electron tomography and sparse interpolation
S Sreehari, SV Venkatakrishnan, B Wohlberg, GT Buzzard, LF Drummy, ...
IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging 2 (4), 408-423, 2016
Harvesting electrical energy from carbon nanotube yarn twist
SH Kim, CS Haines, N Li, KJ Kim, TJ Mun, C Choi, J Di, YJ Oh, JP Oviedo, ...
Science 357 (6353), 773-778, 2017
Growth mechanism of gold nanorods
K Park, LF Drummy, RC Wadams, H Koerner, D Nepal, L Fabris, RA Vaia
Chemistry of Materials 25 (4), 555-563, 2013
Polypeptide-templated synthesis of hexagonal silica platelets
MM Tomczak, DD Glawe, LF Drummy, CG Lawrence, MO Stone, CC Perry, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 127 (36), 12577-12582, 2005
Regenerated silk fiber wet spinning from an ionic liquid solution
DM Phillips, LF Drummy, RR Naik, C Hugh, DM Fox, PC Trulove, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry 15 (39), 4206-4208, 2005
Assemblies of titanium dioxide-polystyrene hybrid nanoparticles for dielectric applications
MN Tchoul, SP Fillery, H Koerner, LF Drummy, FT Oyerokun, PA Mirau, ...
Chemistry of Materials 22 (5), 1749-1759, 2010
Molecular-scale and nanoscale morphology of P3HT: PCBM bulk heterojunctions: energy-filtered TEM and low-dose HREM
LF Drummy, RJ Davis, DL Moore, M Durstock, RA Vaia, JWP Hsu
Chemistry of Materials 23 (3), 907-912, 2011
Nanolaminates: increasing dielectric breakdown strength of composites
SP Fillery, H Koerner, L Drummy, E Dunkerley, MF Durstock, DF Schmidt, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 4 (3), 1388-1396, 2012
Thickness‐driven orthorhombic to triclinic phase transformation in pentacene thin films
LF Drummy, DC Martin
Advanced Materials 17 (7), 903-907, 2005
Patterned silk films cast from ionic liquid solubilized fibroin as scaffolds for cell growth
MK Gupta, SK Khokhar, DM Phillips, LA Sowards, LF Drummy, ...
Langmuir 23 (3), 1315-1319, 2007
Thermally induced α-helix to β-sheet transition in regenerated silk fibers and films
LF Drummy, DM Phillips, MO Stone, BL Farmer, RR Naik
Biomacromolecules 6 (6), 3328-3333, 2005
Correlation of the β-sheet crystal size in silk fibers with the protein amino acid sequence
LF Drummy, BL Farmer, RR Naik
Soft matter 3 (7), 877-882, 2007
Morphological control and assembly of zinc oxide using a biotemplate
MM Tomczak, MK Gupta, LF Drummy, SM Rozenzhak, RR Naik
Acta Biomaterialia 5 (3), 876-882, 2009
Low-voltage electron microscopy of polymer and organic molecular thin films
LF Drummy, J Yang, DC Martin
Ultramicroscopy 99 (4), 247-256, 2004
Adsorption of peptides (A3, Flg, Pd2, Pd4) on gold and palladium surfaces by a coarse-grained Monte Carlo simulation
RB Pandey, H Heinz, J Feng, BL Farmer, JM Slocik, LF Drummy, RR Naik
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 11 (12), 1989-2001, 2009
Large scale solution assembly of quantum dot–gold nanorod architectures with plasmon enhanced fluorescence
D Nepal, LF Drummy, S Biswas, K Park, RA Vaia
ACS nano 7 (10), 9064-9074, 2013
Montmorillonite-thermoset nanocomposites via cryo-compounding
H Koerner, D Misra, A Tan, L Drummy, P Mirau, R Vaia
Polymer 47 (10), 3426-3435, 2006
A model based iterative reconstruction algorithm for high angle annular dark field-scanning transmission electron microscope (HAADF-STEM) tomography
SV Venkatakrishnan, LF Drummy, MA Jackson, M De Graef, J Simmons, ...
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 22 (11), 4532-4544, 2013
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Articles 1–20