Doo Yong Lee
Doo Yong Lee
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Scheduling flexible manufacturing systems using Petri nets and heuristic search
DY Lee, F DiCesare
IEEE Transactions on robotics and automation 10 (2), 123-132, 1994
GPU-based real-time soft tissue deformation with cutting and haptic feedback
H Courtecuisse, H Jung, J Allard, C Duriez, DY Lee, S Cotin
Progress in biophysics and molecular biology 103 (2-3), 159-168, 2010
Integrated scheduling of flexible manufacturing systems employing automated guided vehicles
DY Lee, F DiCesare
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 41 (6), 602-610, 1994
KAIST interactive bicycle simulator
DS Kwon, GH Yang, CW Lee, JC Shin, Y Park, B Jung, DY Lee, K Lee, ...
Proceedings 2001 ICRA. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and …, 2001
Online scheduling of integrated single-wafer processing tools with temporal constraints
HJ Yoon, DY Lee
IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing 18 (3), 390-398, 2005
FMS scheduling using Petri nets and heuristic search
Proceedings 1992 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation …, 1992
Deadlock-free scheduling of photolithography equipment in semiconductor fabrication
HJ Yoon, DY Lee
IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing 17 (1), 42-54, 2004
Gain-scheduling control of teleoperation systems interacting with soft tissues
JH Cho, HI Son, DG Lee, T Bhattacharjee, DY Lee
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 60 (3), 946-957, 2012
Exploitation of the impedance and characteristics of the human arm in the design of haptic interfaces
HS Woo, DY Lee
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 58 (8), 3221-3233, 2009
New colonoscopy simulator with improved haptic fidelity
SY Yi, HS Woo, WJ Ahn, JY Kwon, DY Lee
Advanced Robotics 20 (3), 349-365, 2006
Estimation of environmental force for the haptic interface of robotic surgery
HI Son, T Bhattacharjee, DY Lee
the international journal of medical robotics and computer assisted surgery …, 2010
Adjusting output-limiter for stable haptic rendering in virtual environments
K Lee, DY Lee
IEEE transactions on control systems technology 17 (4), 768-779, 2009
Scheduling cluster tools in wafer fabrication using candidate list and simulated annealing
SJ Yim, DY Lee
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 10, 531-540, 1999
Concurrent design of continuous zero phase error tracking controller and sinusoidal trajectory for improved tracking control
HS Park, PH Chang, DY Lee
J. Dyn. Sys., Meas., Control 123 (1), 127-129, 2001
Multiple objective scheduling for flexible manufacturing systems using Petri nets and heuristic search
SJ Yim, DY Lee
1996 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics …, 1996
KAIST interactive bicycle racing simulator: the 2nd version with advanced features
DS Kwon, GH Yang, Y Park, S Kim, CW Lee, JC Shin, S Han, J Lee, ...
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems 3, 2961-2966, 2002
Petri net-based heuristic scheduling for flexible manufacturing
DY Lee, F DiCesare
Petri nets in flexible and agile automation, 149-187, 1995
Real‐time cutting simulation of meshless deformable object using dynamic bounding volume hierarchy
H Jung, DY Lee
Computer animation and virtual worlds 23 (5), 489-501, 2012
Improvement of colonoscopy skills through simulation-based training
SY Yi, KH Ryu, YJ Na, HS Woo, W Ahn, WS Kim, DY Lee
Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 16, 565-567, 2008
Continuous zero phase error tracking controller with gain error compensation
HS Park, PH Chang, DY Lee
Proceedings of the 1999 American Control Conference (Cat. No. 99CH36251) 5 …, 1999
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Articles 1–20