Taufiq Bin Nur
Taufiq Bin Nur
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sumatera Utara
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Correlation between thermal conductivity and the thickness of selected insulation materials for building wall
TMI Mahlia, BN Taufiq, HH Masjuki
Energy and Buildings 39 (2), 182-187, 2007
Exergy analysis of evaporative cooling for reducing energy use in a Malaysian building
BN Taufiq, HH Masjuki, TMI Mahlia, MA Amalina, MS Faizul, R Saidur
Desalination 209 (1-3), 238-243, 2007
Second law analysis for optimal thermal design of radial fin geometry by convection
BN Taufiq, HH Masjuki, TMI Mahlia, R Saidur, MS Faizul, EN Mohamad
Applied Thermal Engineering 27 (8-9), 1363-1370, 2007
Effect of ethanol and gasoline blending on the performance of a stationary small single cylinder engine
RN Rao, AS Silitonga, AH Shamsuddin, J Milano, TMI Riayatsyah, ...
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 45, 5793-5802, 2020
Exergy analysis for day lighting, electric lighting and space cooling systems for a room space in a tropical climate
TMI Mahlia, BN Taufiq, KP Ong, R Saidur
Energy and Buildings 43 (7), 1676-1684, 2011
Conceptual design of light integrated gasification fuel cell based on thermodynamic process simulation
BN Taufiq, Y Kikuchi, T Ishimoto, K Honda, M Koyama
Applied Energy 147, 486-499, 2015
Thermal decomposition of Gayo Arabica coffee-pulp in a segmented chamber
A Setiawan, AG Randa, TB Nur
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1500 (1), 012076, 2020
Combustion characteristics of densified bio-char produced from Gayo Arabica coffee-pulp: Effect of binder
A Setiawan, F Hayat, TB Nur
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 364 (1), 012007, 2019
Design and process integration of organic Rankine cycle utilizing biomass for power generation
S Ependi, TB Nur
TALENTA Conference on Engineering, Science and Technology 2017 309, 2018
Experimental investigation and simulation of slow pyrolysis process of Arabica coffee agroindustry residues in a pilot-scale reactor
A Setiawan, M Zakarya, Alchalil, TB Nur
Journal of Ecological Engineering 23 (8), 260-269, 2022
Performance analysis of low temperature heat source of organic Rankine cycle for geothermal application
A Pintoro, H Ambarita, TB Nur, FH Napitupulu
The 10th International Conference on Numerical Analysis in Engineering …, 2018
Analisa Performansi Turbin Vortex Menggunakan Perangkat Lunak Cfd Dengan Variasi Dimensi Sudu I Dan Sudu Iii, Debit Air Masuk Serta Luas Saluran Buang
IF Tanjung, S Gultom, FH Napitupulu, DM Nasution, T bin Nur
DINAMIS 3 (2), 13-13, 2015
Effect of densification pressure on physical and combustion properties of binderless briquettes made from rice-husk and coffee-pulp
Alchalil, A Setiawan, Juwaini, TB Nur
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Experimental and …, 2021
Exergy analysis of biomass organic Rankine cycle for power generation
TB Nur, Sunoto
TALENTA Conference on Engineering, Science and Technology 309, 2018
Rancang Bangun Solar Cold Storage Dengan Kapasitas 10 Kilogram
RA Sipayung, H Ambarita, TB Nur, A Pintoro
DINAMIS 7 (3), 10-10, 2019
Application of Biomass from Palm Oil Mill for Organic Rankine Cycle to Generate Power In North Sumatera Indonesia
TB Nur, Z Pane, MN Amin
1st Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference 180, 1-7, 2017
Making liquid organic fertilizers from household organic waste with the addition of em4 bioactivators (effective microorganisms)
T Nur, RA Noor, M Elma
Konversi 5 (2), 5-12, 2016
Analysis of energy efficiency in the Krueng Raya TBBM Pertamina building using the energy audit method
A Sitorus, E Yurisman, H Susilo, H Ambarita, TB Nur
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 801 (1), 012042, 2020
Integrated biomass pyrolysis with organic Rankine cycle for power generation
TB Nur, AW Syahputra
The 10th International Conference on Numerical Analysis in Engineering …, 2018
Prediction of the monthly cost of energy usage by PEMFC at housing in North Sumatra Province, Indonesia
TB Nur
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 927 (1), 012035, 2021
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Articles 1–20