Thaddeus B Czuba
Cited by
Cited by
Area MT encodes three-dimensional motion
TB Czuba, AC Huk, LK Cormack, A Kohn
Journal of Neuroscience 34 (47), 15522-15533, 2014
Speed and eccentricity tuning reveal a central role for the velocity-based cue to 3D visual motion
TB Czuba, B Rokers, AC Huk, LK Cormack
Journal of Neurophysiology 104 (5), 2886-2899, 2010
Binocular mechanisms of 3D motion processing
LK Cormack, TB Czuba, J Knöll, AC Huk
Annual Review of Vision Science 3 (1), 297-318, 2017
Motion processing with two eyes in three dimensions
B Rokers, TB Czuba, LK Cormack, AC Huk
Journal of Vision 11 (2), 10-10, 2011
Three-dimensional motion aftereffects reveal distinct direction-selective mechanisms for binocular processing of motion through depth
TB Czuba, B Rokers, K Guillet, AC Huk, LK Cormack
Journal of Vision 11 (10), 18-18, 2011
Binocular viewing geometry shapes the neural representation of the dynamic three-dimensional environment
K Bonnen, TB Czuba, JA Whritner, A Kohn, AC Huk, LK Cormack
Nature Neuroscience 23 (1), 113-121, 2020
Separate perceptual and neural processing of velocity-and disparity-based 3D motion signals
SJ Joo, TB Czuba, LK Cormack, AC Huk
Journal of Neuroscience 36 (42), 10791-10802, 2016
To CD or not to CD: Is there a 3D motion aftereffect based on changing disparities?
TB Czuba, B Rokers, AC Huk, LK Cormack
Journal of Vision 12 (4), 7-7, 2012
Spatiotemporal integration of isolated binocular three-dimensional motion cues
JA Whritner, TB Czuba, LK Cormack, AC Huk
Journal of vision 21 (10), 2-2, 2021
Neuronal selectivity for directions of 3d motion in area mt
T Czuba, L Cormack, A Huk, A Kohn
Journal of Vision 13 (9), 608-608, 2013
Isolation of binocular 3D motion cues in human visual cortex
TB Czuba, AC Huk, LK Cormack
Journal of Vision 11 (11), 710-710, 2011
Functional architecture and mechanisms for 3D direction and distance in middle temporal visual area.
TB Czuba, LK Cormack, AC Huk
Journal of Vision 19 (10), 236-236, 2019
Encoding and decoding in neural populations with non-Gaussian tuning: The example of 3D motion tuning in MT
K Bonnen, T Czuba, A Kohn, L Cormack, A Huk
Journal of Vision 17 (10), 409-409, 2017
Mechanisms of 3D motion: Integration of disparity and motion cues
T Czuba, B Rokers, LK Cormack, AC Huk
Journal of Vision 8 (6), 852-852, 2008
Temporal integration of isolated 3D motion cues
JA Whritner, TB Czuba, LK Cormack, AC Huk
Journal of Vision 19 (10), 235a-235a, 2019
3D motion direction estimation–Model predictions and data
K Bonnen, T Czuba, J Whritner, A Kuo, A Huk, L Cormack
Journal of Vision 18 (10), 130-130, 2018
" Separate perceptual and neural processing of velocity-and disparity-based 3D motion signals": Correction.
SJ Joo, TB Czuba, LK Cormack, AC Huk
Society for Neuroscience, 2017
Separate Perceptual and Neural Processing of Velocity-and Disparity-Based 3D Motion Signals (vol 36, pg 10791, 2016)
SJ Joo, TB Czuba, LK Cormack, AC Huk
JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 37 (24), 5974-5974, 2017
" To CD or not to CD: Is there a 3D motion aftereffect based on changing disparities?": Corrections.
TB Czuba, B Rokers, AC Huk, LK Cormack
Assn for Research in Vision & Ophthalmology (ARVO), 2012
Binocular mechanisms underlying the processing of three-dimensional visual motion.
TB Czuba
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Articles 1–20