Dr. Abdallah Sofiane Berrouk
Dr. Abdallah Sofiane Berrouk
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering @ Khalifa University of Science and Technology
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Heat Transport Study of Ternary Hybrid Nanofluid Flow under Magnetic Dipole Together with Nonlinear Thermal Radiation
S Nasir, S Sirisubtawee, P Juntharee, AS Berrouk, S Mukhtar, T Gul
Applied Nanoscience 12 (8), 2777-2788, 2022
Three-dimensional discrete particle model for gas–solid fluidized beds on unstructured mesh
CL Wu, AS Berrouk, K Nandakumar
Chemical Engineering Journal 152 (2-3), 514-529, 2009
Examining Rheological Behavior of MWCNT-TiO2/5W40 Hybrid Nanofluid Based on Experiment and RSM/ANN Modeling
YM Chu, M Ibrahim, T Saeed, AS Berrouk, EA Algehyne, R Kalbasi
Journal of Molecular Liquids 333, Article 115969, 2021
Stochastic modelling of inertial particle dispersion by subgrid motion for LES of high Reynolds number pipe flow
AS Berrouk, D Laurence, JJ Riley, DE Stock
Journal of Turbulence 8 (50), 1-20, 2007
Parallel algorithms for CFD–DEM modeling of dense particulate flows
CL Wu, O Ayeni, AS Berrouk, K Nandakumar
Chemical Engineering Science 118, 221-244, 2014
Accurate void fraction calculation for three-dimensional discrete particle model on unstructured mesh
CL Wu, JM Zhan, YS Li, KS Lam, AS Berrouk
Chemical Engineering Science 64 (6), 1260-1266, 2009
CFD Aided Design and Analysis of a Precooler with Zigzag Channels for Supercritical CO2 Power Cycle
M Saeed, AA Awais, AS Berrouk
Energy Conversion and Management 236, Article 114029, 2021
Numerical investigation of thermal and hydraulic characteristics of sCO2-water printed circuit heat exchangers with zigzag channels
Muhammed Saeed , Abdallah S. Berrouk , M. Salman Siddiqui, Ahmad Ali Awais
Energy Conversion and Management 225, Article 113375, 2020
Effect of Printed Circuit Heat Exchanger’s Different Designs on the Performance of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Brayton Cycle
M Saeed, AS Berrouk, MS Siddiqui, AA Awais
Applied Thermal Engineering 179, Article 115758, 2020
Stochastic modelling of aerosol deposition for LES of 90 bend turbulent flow
AS Berrouk, D Laurence
international Journal of heat and Fluid Flow 29 (4), 1010-1028, 2008
Natural gas purification using supported ionic liquid membrane
M Althuluth, JP Overbeek, HJ Van Wees, LF Zubeir, WG Haije, A Berrouk, ...
Journal of Membrane Science 484, 80-86, 2015
Numerical simulation of hydrodynamics and cracking reactions in the feed mixing zone of a multiregime gas–solid riser reactor
J Gan, H Zhao, AS Berrouk, C Yang, H Shan
Industrial & engineering chemistry research 50 (20), 11511-11520, 2011
Using mixed tertiary amines for gas sweetening energy requirement reduction
WA Fouad, AS Berrouk
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 11, 12-17, 2013
Simulation of the water-based hybrid nanofluids flow through a porous cavity for the applications of the heat transfer
T Gul, S Nasir, AS Berrouk, Z Raizah, W Alghamdi, I Ali, A Bariq
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 7009, 2023
Numerical investigation of the thermohydraulic characteristics of microchannel heat sinks using supercritical CO2 as a coolant
M Saeed, AS Berrouk, M Alshehhi, Y AlWahedi
Journal of Supercritical Fluids 176, Article 105306, 2021
Numerical simulation of a commercial FCC regenerator using multiphase particle-in-cell methodology (MP-PIC)
AS Berrouk, A Huang, S Bale, P Thampi, K Nandakumar
Advanced Powder Technology 28 (11), 2947-2960, 2017
Simulation of hydrogen production from thermal decomposition of hydrogen sulfide in sulfur recovery units
R Adewale, DJ Salem, AS Berrouk, S Dara
Journal of Cleaner Production 112, 4815-4825, 2016
Simulation of subcritical-Reynolds-number flow around four cylinders in square arrangement configuration using LES
Y Kahil, S Benhamadouche, AS Berrouk, I Afgan
European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids 74, 111-122, 2019
Improved performance of the natural-gas-sweetening Benfield-HiPure process using process simulation
AS Berrouk, R Ochieng
Fuel processing technology 127, 20-25, 2014
Simulation of a large-scale FCC riser using a combination of MP-PIC and four-lump oil-cracking kinetic models
AS Berrouk, C Pornsilph, SS Bale, Y Du, K Nandakumar
Energy & Fuels 31 (5), 4758-4770, 2017
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Articles 1–20