Steven Sylvester
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Cited by
Knowing less but presuming more: Dunning-Kruger effects and the endorsement of anti-vaccine policy attitudes
M Motta, T Callaghan, S Sylvester
Social Science & Medicine 211, 274-281, 2018
Encouraging COVID-19 vaccine uptake through effective health communication
M Motta, S Sylvester, T Callaghan, K Lunz-Trujillo
Frontiers in Political Science 3, 630133, 2021
Parent psychology and the decision to delay childhood vaccination
T Callaghan, M Motta, S Sylvester, KL Trujillo, CC Blackburn
Social science & medicine 238, 112407, 2019
The determinants and consequences of accurate beliefs about childhood vaccinations
MR Joslyn, SM Sylvester
American Politics Research 47 (3), 628-649, 2019
Identifying the prevalence, correlates, and policy consequences of anti-vaccine social identity
M Motta, T Callaghan, S Sylvester, K Lunz-Trujillo
Politics, Groups, and Identities 11 (1), 108-122, 2023
Correcting misperceptions about the MMR vaccine: Using psychological risk factors to inform targeted communication strategies
K Lunz Trujillo, M Motta, T Callaghan, S Sylvester
Political Research Quarterly 74 (2), 464-478, 2021
COVID‐19 and motivated reasoning: the influence of knowledge on covid‐related policy and health behavior
SM Sylvester
Social Science Quarterly 102 (5), 2341-2359, 2021
Lingering legacies: public attitudes about Medicaid beneficiaries and work requirements
SF Haeder, SM Sylvester, T Callaghan
Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law 46 (2), 305-355, 2021
Private citizens as policy entrepreneurs: Evidence from autism mandates and parental political mobilization
T Callaghan, S Sylvester
Policy Studies Journal 49 (1), 123-145, 2021
Autism spectrum disorder, politics, and the generosity of insurance mandates in the United States
T Callaghan, S Sylvester
PloS one 14 (5), e0217064, 2019
Just say no? Public attitudes about supportive and punitive policies to combat the opioid epidemic
SM Sylvester, SF Haeder, T Callaghan
Journal of Public Policy 42 (2), 270-297, 2022
Vaccinating across the aisle: using co-partisan source cues to encourage COVID-19 vaccine uptake in the ideological right
S Sylvester, M Motta, KL Trujillo, T Callaghan
Journal of behavioral medicine 46 (1), 311-323, 2023
Buzz kill: State adoption of DUI interlock laws, 2005–11
SM Sylvester, DP Haider‐Markel
Policy Studies Journal 44 (4), 491-509, 2016
“We Are the Visible Proof”: Legitimizing Abortion Regret Misinformation through Activists’ Experiential Knowledge
A Doan, CC Candal, S Sylvester
Law & Policy 40 (1), 33-56, 2018
Past experiences with surprise medical bills drive issue knowledge, concern and attitudes toward federal policy intervention
T Callaghan, SF Haeder, S Sylvester
Health Economics, Policy and Law 17 (3), 298-331, 2022
More than words? How highlighting target populations affects public opinion about the Medicaid program
SF Haeder, SM Sylvester, T Callaghan
Journal of health politics, policy and law 48 (5), 713-760, 2023
Shared stigma: the effect of LGBT status on attitudes about the opioid epidemic
SF Haeder, S Sylvester, T Callaghan
World Medical & Health Policy 13 (3), 414-435, 2021
Staying in class: Representative bureaucracy and student praise and punishment
DP Haider-Markel, CLM Bright, SM Sylvester
Journal of Policy Studies 37 (2), 27-40, 2022
Staying in class: race, representation and student punishment
EB Sharp, DP Haider-Markel, C Bright, S Sylvester
APSA 2014 Annual Meeting Paper, 2014
I paid into it with every paycheck I earned: How benefit type and beneficiary contributions shape attitudes about increasing or decreasing administrative burdens for social …
SF Haeder, S Sylvester
Policy Studies Journal, 2025
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Articles 1–20