Felipe Vásquez Lavín
Cited by
Cited by
Income-related inequality in health and health care utilization in Chile, 2000-2009
F Vásquez, G Paraje, M Estay
Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública 33, 98-106, 2013
Valoración económica del ambiente: Fundamentos económicos, econométricos y aplicaciones.
F Vásquez Lavín, A Cerda Urrutia, S Orrego Suaza
Thomson Learning, 2007
Health equity in an unequal country: the use of medical services in Chile
G Paraje, F Vásquez
International journal for equity in health 11, 1-16, 2012
Comanagement of small‐scale fisheries and ecosystem services
S Gelcich, MJ Martínez‐Harms, S Tapia‐Lewin, F Vasquez‐Lavin, ...
Conservation Letters 12 (2), e12637, 2019
Multi-criteria decision analysis for renewable energies: research trends, gaps and the challenge of improving participation
RA Estévez, V Espinoza, RD Ponce Oliva, F Vásquez-Lavín, S Gelcich
Sustainability 13 (6), 3515, 2021
Changes in socioeconomic inequalities in the use of dental care following major healthcare reform in Chile, 2004–2009
M Cornejo-Ovalle, G Paraje, F Vásquez-Lavín, G Pérez, L Palència, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 12 (3 …, 2015
Incendios forestales en Chile: causas, impactos y resiliencia
ME González, R Sapiains, S Gómez-González, R Garreaud, A Miranda, ...
Centro de Ciencia del Clima y la Resiliencia (CR) 2, 84, 2020
Implications of climate change for semi-arid dualistic agriculture: a case study in Central Chile
FJ Fernández, M Blanco, RD Ponce, F Vásquez-Lavín, L Roco
Regional Environmental Change 19, 89-100, 2019
Assessing the benefits and costs of dryland forest restoration in central Chile
I Schiappacasse, L Nahuelhual, F Vásquez, C Echeverría
Journal of Environmental Management 97, 38-45, 2012
Do immigrants increase crime? Spatial analysis in a middle-income country
M Leiva, F Vasquez-Lavín, RDP Oliva
World Development 126, 104728, 2020
Functional forms in discrete/continuous choice models with general corner solution. Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics
F Vasquez Lavin, M Hanemann
University of California Berkeley. CUDARE Working Paper 1078, 2008
Using revealed preference models to estimate the effect of coastal water quality on beach choice in Southern California
M Hanemann, L Pendleton, C Mohn, J Hilger, K Kurisawa, D Layton, ...
University of California at Berkeley, report to the US National Oceanic and …, 2004
Estimating the economic value of landscape losses due to flooding by hydropower plants in the Chilean Patagonia
RD Ponce, F Vásquez, A Stehr, P Debels, C Orihuela
Water Resources Management 25, 2449-2466, 2011
The economic value of the recreational red abalone fishery in northern California
JVKAIKT John Reid, Laura Rogers-Bennett, Felipe Vasquez, Maya Pace, Cynthia ...
California Fish and Game 102 (3), 119-130, 2016
Using stated preference methods to design cost-effective subsidy programs to induce technology adoption: An application to a stove program in southern Chile
W Gómez, H Salgado, F Vásquez, C Chávez
Journal of Environmental Management 132, 346-357, 2014
Contingent valuation scenarios for chronic illnesses: the case of childhood asthma
S Brandt, FV Lavín, M Hanemann
Value in Health 15 (8), 1077-1083, 2012
The value of a statistical life in Chile
M Parada-Contzen, A Riquelme-Won, F Vasquez-Lavin
Empirical Economics 45, 1073-1087, 2013
Stakeholder perceptions of enhancement opportunities in the Chilean small and medium scale mussel aquaculture industry
A Rivera, J Unibazo, P Leon, F Vásquez-Lavín, R Ponce, L Mansur, ...
Aquaculture 479, 423-431, 2017
Assessing the socio-economic and land-cover drivers of wildfire activity and its spatiotemporal distribution in south-central Chile
RA Pozo, M Galleguillos, ME González, F Vásquez, R Arriagada
Science of the total environment 810, 152002, 2022
Water Variability and the Economic Impacts on Small-Scale Farmers. A Farm Risk-Based Integrated Modelling Approach
FV Fernandez, F., R. Ponce, M. Blanco, D. Rivera
Water Resources Management 30 (4), 1357-1373, 2016
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Articles 1–20