Scott C. Marley
Scott C. Marley
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A meta-analysis of the efficacy of teaching mathematics with concrete manipulatives.
KJ Carbonneau, SC Marley, JP Selig
Journal of educational psychology 105 (2), 380, 2013
Existential function of babies: Babies as a buffer of death‐related anxiety
X Zhou, Q Lei, SC Marley, J Chen
Asian Journal of Social Psychology 12 (1), 40-46, 2009
Instructional guidance and realism of manipulatives influence preschool children's mathematics learning
KJ Carbonneau, SC Marley
The Journal of Experimental Education 83 (4), 495-513, 2015
Improving Native American children's listening comprehension through concrete representations
SC Marley, JR Levin, AM Glenberg
Contemporary educational psychology 32 (3), 537-550, 2007
Guided instruction improves elementary student learning and self-efficacy in science
CJ Hushman, SC Marley
The Journal of Educational Research 108 (5), 371-381, 2015
What Cognitive Benefits Does an Activity-Based Reading Strategy Afford Young Native American Readers?
SC Marley, JR Levin, AM Glenberg
The Journal of Experimental Education 78 (3), 395-417, 2010
Improving children's listening comprehension with a manipulation strategy
SC Marley, Z Szabo
The journal of educational research 103 (4), 227-238, 2010
Language ideologies of Arizona preschool teachers implementing dual language teaching for the first time: Pro-multilingual beliefs, practical concerns
KA Bernstein, S Kilinc, MT Deeg, SC Marley, KM Farrand, MF Kelley
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 2021
When Are Prescriptive Statements in Educational Research Justified?
SC Marley, JR Levin
Educational Psychology Review, 1-10, 2011
Theoretical perspectives and empirical evidence relevant to classroom instruction with manipulatives
SC Marley, KJ Carbonneau
Educational Psychology Review 26, 1-7, 2014
Activity-based learning strategies
KJ Carbonneau, SC Marley
International guide to student achievement, 282-284, 2013
Does an activity-based learning strategy improve preschool children's memory for narrative passages?
JE Biazak, SC Marley, JR Levin
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 25 (4), 515-526, 2010
Investigation of an Activity-Based Text-Processing Strategy in Mixed-Age Child Dyads
SC Marley, Z Szabo, JR Levin, AM Glenberg
The Journal of Experimental Education 79 (3), 340-360, 2011
Postsecondary research and recommendations for federal datasets with American Indians and Alaska Natives: Challenges and future directions
JD Lopez, SC Marley
Journal of American Indian Education 57 (2), 5-34, 2018
Motivational interviewing skills are positively associated with nutritionist self-efficacy
SC Marley, K Carbonneau, D Lockner, D Kibbe, F Trowbridge
Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 43 (1), 28-34, 2011
Do family and peer academic social supports predict academic motivations and achievement of first-year college students?
SC Marley, MJ Wilcox
Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education 14 (3), 958-973, 2022
Future directions for theory and research with instructional manipulatives: Commentary on the special issue papers
SC Marley, KJ Carbonneau
Educational Psychology Review 26, 91-100, 2014
Differential Item Functioning Analysis of the Preschool Language Scale—4 Between English-Speaking Hispanic and European American Children From Low-Income Families
C Huaqing Qi, SC Marley
Topics in Early Childhood Special Education 29 (3), 171, 2009
Validity Study of the Preschool Language Scale-4 With English-Speaking Hispanic and European American Children in Head Start Programs
CH Qi, SC Marley
Topics in Early Childhood Special Education 31 (2), 89-98, 2011
Trauma and burnout: Counselors in training
J Keim, DL Olguin, SC Marley, A Thieman
Compelling counseling interventions: Celebrating VISTAS’fifth anniversary …, 2008
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