Christopher L. Alexander
Cited by
Cited by
Contribution of surface distributions to constant-phase-element (CPE) behavior: 1. Influence of roughness
CL Alexander, B Tribollet, ME Orazem
Electrochimica Acta 173, 416-424, 2015
Contribution of surface distributions to constant-phase-element (CPE) behavior: 2. Capacitance
CL Alexander, B Tribollet, ME Orazem
Electrochimica Acta 188, 566-573, 2016
Contribution of surface distributions to constant-phase-element (CPE) behavior: 3. Adsorbed intermediates
CL Alexander, B Tribollet, V Vivier, ME Orazem
Electrochimica Acta 251, 99-108, 2017
Oxygen reduction on stainless steel in concentrated chloride media
CL Alexander, C Liu, A Alshanoon, RM Katona, RG Kelly, J Carpenter, ...
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 165 (13), C869, 2018
Influence of micrometric-scale electrode heterogeneity on electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
CL Alexander, B Tribollet, ME Orazem
Electrochimica Acta 201, 374-379, 2016
Nanoscale thin film corrosion barriers enabled by multilayer polymer clay nanocomposites
SJ Percival, MA Melia, CL Alexander, DW Nelson, EJ Schindelholz, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 383, 125228, 2020
Indirect electrochemical impedance spectroscopy for corrosion detection in external post-tensioned tendons: 1. Proof of concept
CL Alexander, ME Orazem
Corrosion Science 164, 108331, 2020
FY17 Status Report: Research on Stress Corrosion Cracking of SNF Interim Storage Canisters.
EJ Schindelholz, CR Bryan, CL Alexander
Sandia National Lab.(SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States), 2017
Comparison of novel imaging sensor and gamma ray tomography imaging of grout deficiencies in external post-tensioned structural tendons
H Freij, D Dukeman, CL Alexander, MD Ruffolo, T Frigerio, J Boselli, ...
NDT & E International 117, 102368, 2021
Indirect impedance for corrosion detection of external post-tensioned tendons: 2. multiple steel strands
CL Alexander, ME Orazem
Corrosion Science 164, 108330, 2020
The Corrosion Propagation Stage of Stainless-Steel Reinforced Concrete: A Review
JJ Saire-Yanez, C Alexander, A Sagüés
CORROSION, 3811:, 2021
Influence of geometry-induced frequency dispersion on the impedance of rectangular electrodes
K Davis, A Dizon, CL Alexander, ME Orazem
Electrochimica Acta 283, 1820-1828, 2018
Corrosion detection in structural tendons
ME Orazem, YM Chen, C Alexander
US Patent 9,829,452, 2017
Evaluation of applied stress on atmospheric corrosion and pitting characteristics in 304L stainless steel
JB Plumley, CL Alexander, X Wu, S Gordon, Z Yu, N Kemp, FH Garzon, ...
Corrosion 78 (3), 266-279, 2022
Practical cross-section imaging of external tendons to reveal grout deficiencies relative to strand pattern
H Freij, D Dukeman, CL Alexander, AA Sagüés
Journal of Bridge Engineering 25 (11), 04020100, 2020
Influence of geometry-induced frequency dispersion on the impedance of ring electrodes
YM Chen, CL Alexander, C Cleveland, ME Orazem
Electrochimica Acta 235, 437-441, 2017
The influence of geometry on continuous and split bipolar electrochemistry applied to corrosion studies
A Kazem-Ghamsari, CL Alexander
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 170 (8), 081506, 2023
Development of tendon imaging sensor
H Freij, D Dukeman, AA Sagues, C Alexander
Florida. Department of Transportation, 2019
Field demonstration of tendon imaging methods
D Dukeman, H Freij, AA Sagüés, C Alexander
Florida. Department of Transportation, 2019
Impedance-Based Detection of Corrosion in Post-Tensioned Cables: Phase 2 from Concept to Application
CL Alexander, YM Chen, ME Orazem
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Articles 1–20