Shanna Hagan-Burke
Shanna Hagan-Burke
School of Education, Baylor University
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Percentage of all non-overlapping data (PAND) an alternative to PND
RI Parker, S Hagan-Burke, K Vannest
The Journal of Special Education 40 (4), 194-204, 2007
Useful effect size interpretations for single case research
RI Parker, S Hagan-Burke
Behavior therapy 38 (1), 95-105, 2007
Teacher time use in special education
KJ Vannest, S Hagan-Burke
Remedial and Special Education 31, 126-142, 2010
Use of story-mapping to increase the story-grammar text comprehension of elementary students with learning disabilities
T Boulineau, C Fore III, S Hagan-Burke, MD Burke
Learning Disability Quarterly 27 (2), 105-121, 2004
Overview of the functional behavioral assessment process
G Sugai, T Lewis-Palmer, S Hagan-Burke
Exceptionality 8 (3), 149-160, 2000
The effects of self-regulated strategy development on the writing process for high school students with learning disabilities
JC Chalk, S Hagan-Burke, MD Burke
Learning Disability Quarterly 28 (1), 75-87, 2005
The school bully: Assessing the problem, developing interventions, and future research directions
G Colvin, T Tobin, K Beard, S Hagan, J Sprague
Journal of behavioral education 8, 293-319, 1998
Using functional assessments to develop behavior support plans
G Sugai, T Lewis-Palmer, S Hagan
Preventing School Failure: Alternative Education for Children and Youth 43 …, 1998
Predictive validity of early literacy indicators from the middle of kindergarten to second grade
MD Burke, S Hagan-Burke, O Kwok, R Parker
The Journal of Special Education 42 (4), 209-226, 2009
Academic achievement and class placement in high school: Do students with learning disabilities achieve more in one class placement than another?
C Fore III, S Hagan-Burke, MD Burke, RT Boon, S Smith
Education and treatment of children 31 (1), 55-72, 2008
A systematic review of parent-implemented functional communication training for children with ASD
S Gerow, S Hagan-Burke, M Rispoli, E Gregori, R Mason, J Ninci
Behavior modification 42 (3), 335-363, 2018
Fidelity outcomes for autism-focused interventionists coached via telepractice: A systematic literature review
L Neely, M Rispoli, S Gerow, ER Hong, S Hagan-Burke
Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities 29, 849-874, 2017
Effects of supplemental reading interventions in authentic contexts: A comparison of kindergarteners' response
DC Simmons, MD Coyne, S Hagan-Burke, OM Kwok, L Simmons, ...
Exceptional Children 77 (2), 207-228, 2011
The efficacy of function-based interventions for students with learning disabilities who exhibit escape-maintained problem behaviors: Preliminary results from a single-case …
MD Burke, S Hagan-Burke, G Sugai
Learning Disability Quarterly 26 (1), 15-25, 2003
Adjusting beginning reading intervention based on student performance: An experimental evaluation
MD Coyne, DC Simmons, S Hagan-Burke, LE Simmons, OM Kwok, M Kim, ...
Exceptional Children 80 (1), 25-44, 2013
Median-based overlap analysis for single case data: A second study
RI Parker, S Hagan-Burke
Behavior Modification 31 (6), 919-936, 2007
Home literacy beliefs and practices among low-income Latino families
HS Davis, JE Gonzalez, S Pollard-Durodola, LM Saenz, DA Soares, ...
Early Child Development and Care 186 (7), 1152-1172, 2016
Establishing a home-school connection: Strengthening the partnership between families and schools
EJ Martin, S Hagan-Burke
Preventing School Failure: Alternative Education for Children and Youth 46 …, 2002
The predictive validity of a computer-adaptive assessment of kindergarten and first-grade reading skills
NH Clemens, S Hagan-Burke, W Luo, C Cerda, A Blakely, J Frosch, ...
School Psychology Review 44 (1), 76-97, 2015
Universal screening for behavioral risk in elementary schools using SWPBS expectations
MD Burke, JL Davis, YH Lee, S Hagan-Burke, O Kwok, G Sugai
Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders 20 (1), 38-54, 2012
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