Pascal Grange
Pascal Grange
Duke Kunshan University
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Canonical genetic signatures of the adult human brain
M Hawrylycz, JA Miller, V Menon, D Feng, T Dolbeare, ...
Nature neuroscience 18 (12), 1832-1844, 2015
Co-expression profiling of autism genes in the mouse brain
I Menashe, P Grange, EC Larsen, S Banerjee-Basu, PP Mitra
PLoS computational biology 9 (7), e1003128, 2013
Cell-type–based model explaining coexpression patterns of genes in the brain
P Grange, et al.
PNAS 111 (14), 5397–5402, 2014
T-duality with H-flux: non-commutativity, T-folds and G× G structure
P Grange, S Schäfer-Nameki
Nuclear Physics B 770 (1-2), 123-144, 2007
Modified pure spinors and mirror symmetry
P Grange, R Minasian
Nuclear Physics B 732 (1-2), 366-378, 2006
Towards mirror symmetry a la SYZ for generalized Calabi-Yau manifolds
P Grange, S Schäfer-Nameki
Journal of High Energy Physics 2007 (10), 052, 2007
Deformation of p-adic string amplitudes in a magnetic field
P Grange
Physics Letters B 616 (1-2), 135-140, 2005
Non-conserving zero-range processes with extensive rates under resetting
P Grange
Journal of Physics Communications 4 (4), 045006, 2020
Computational neuroanatomy and co-expression of genes in the adult mouse brain, analysis tools for the Allen Brain Atlas
P Grange, M Hawrylycz, PP Mitra
Quantitative Biology 1 (1), 91-100, 2013
Computational neuroanatomy and gene expression: Optimal sets of marker genes for brain regions
P Grange, PP Mitra
2012 46th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS), 1-6, 2012
Brain Gene Expression Analysis: a MATLAB toolbox for the analysis of brain-wide gene-expression data
P Grange, JW Bohland, M Hawrylycz, PP Mitra
arXiv preprint arXiv:1211.6177, 2012
Tachyon condensation and D-branes in generalized geometries
P Grange, R Minasian
Nuclear Physics B 741 (1-2), 199-214, 2006
Aggregation with constant kernel under stochastic resetting
P Grange
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 54 (29), 294001, 2021
Cell-type-specific neuroanatomy of cliques of autism-related genes in the mouse brain
P Grange, I Menashe, M Hawrylycz
Frontiers in computational neuroscience 9, 55, 2015
Automated placement of stereotactic injections using a laser scan of the skull
M Henderson, V Pinskiy, A Tolpygo, S Savoia, P Grange, P Mitra
bioRxiv, 010603, 2014
Steady states in a non-conserving zero-range process with extensive rates as a model for the balance of selection and mutation
P Grange
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 52 (36), 365601, 2019
Susceptibility to disorder of the optimal resetting rate in the Larkin model of directed polymers
P Grange
Journal of Physics Communications 4 (9), 095018, 2020
Entropy barriers and accelerated relaxation under resetting
P Grange
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 53 (37), 375002, 2020
Derivative corrections from boundary state computations
P Grange
Nuclear Physics B 649 (1-2), 297-311, 2003
Branes as stable holomorphic line bundles on the non-commutativetorus
P Grange
Journal of High Energy Physics 2004 (10), 002, 2004
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Articles 1–20