Dhaval Choksi
Dhaval Choksi
Gastroenterologist, Hepatologist and Endoscopist, Nashik
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Esophageal carcinoma: An epidemiological analysis and study of the time trends over the last 20 years from a single center in India
D Choksi, KM Kolhe, M Ingle, C Rathi, H Khairnar, SG Chauhan, ...
Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care 9 (3), 1695-1699, 2020
Endoscopic ultrasonography can prevent unnecessary diagnostic endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography even in patients with high likelihood of choledocholithiasis and …
R Patel, M Ingle, D Choksi, P Poddar, V Pandey, P Sawant
Clinical endoscopy 50 (6), 592-597, 2017
Clinical, endoscopic, and pathologic characteristics of colorectal polyps in Indian children and adolescents
C Rathi, M Ingle, N Pandav, N Pipaliya, D Choksi, P Sawant
Indian Journal of Gastroenterology 34, 453-457, 2015
Renal vein and inferior vena cava thrombosis: a rare extrasplanchnic complication of acute pancreatitis
R Patel, D Choksi, A Chaubal, N Pipaliya, M Ingle, P Sawant
ACG Case Reports Journal 3 (1), e172, 2016
Anemia in patients with ulcerative colitis in remission: A study from western India
A Chaubal, V Pandey, D Choksi, P Poddar, M Ingle, A Phadke, P Sawant
Indian Journal of Gastroenterology 36, 361-365, 2017
Predictors of 1-month and 3-months hospital readmissions in decompensated cirrhosis: a prospective study in a large Asian cohort
R Patel, P Poddar, D Choksi, V Pandey, M Ingle, H Khairnar, P Sawant
Annals of Hepatology 18 (1), 30-39, 2019
Management of pregnancy in Crigler Najjar syndrome type 2
AN Chaubal, R Patel, D Choksi, K Shah, M Ingle, P Sawant
World journal of hepatology 8 (11), 530, 2016
Autoimmune hepatitis triggered by treatment with pegylated interferon α-2a and ribavirin for chronic hepatitis C
C Rathi, N Pipaliya, D Choksi, P Parikh, M Ingle, P Sawant
ACG Case Reports Journal 2 (1), 247-249, 2015
Outcomes of dilation of recalcitrant pancreatic strictures using a wire-guided cystotome
S Sundaram, D Choksi, A Kale, S Giri, B Patra, S Bhatia, A Shukla
Clinical Endoscopy 54 (6), 903-908, 2021
Primary tubercular liver abscess complicated by tubercular meningitis in portal cavernoma cholangiopathy
R Patel, D Choksi, P Poddar, K Shah, M Ingle, P Sawant
ACG Case Reports Journal 3 (1), e196, 2016
Outcomes and predictors of response to endotherapy in pancreatic ductal disruptions with refractory internal and high-output external fistulae
S Sundaram, BR Patra, D Choksi, S Giri, A Kale, N Ramani, A Karad, ...
Annals of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery 26 (4), 347-354, 2022
Interesting case of spontaneously resolved dysphagia in a young female due to complicated esophageal tuberculosis
D Choksi, A Chaubal, R Patel, C Rathi, M Ingle, P Sawant
Gastroenterology Insights 8 (1), 6971, 2017
Interesting Series of Extra Abdominal Complications in Two Patients with Chronic Pancreatitis Secondary to Chronic Alcoholism and Pancreatic Divisum
D Choksi, V Pandey, P Poddar, A Chaubal, M Ingle, P Sawant
Gastroenterology Insights 8 (1), 6974, 2017
Interesting Cause of Obstructive Jaundice Diagnosed by Endoscopic Ultrasound
D Choksi, R Patel, P Poddar, K Shah, M Ingle, P Sawant
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