Attempto controlled english (ace) NE Fuchs, R Schwitter arXiv preprint cmp-lg/9603003, 1996 | 269 | 1996 |
A survey on real-time event detection from the Twitter data stream M Hasan, MA Orgun, R Schwitter Journal of Information Science 44 (4), 443-463, 2018 | 224 | 2018 |
Controlled natural languages for knowledge representation R Schwitter Coling 2010: Posters, 1113-1121, 2010 | 205 | 2010 |
Real-time event detection from the Twitter data stream using the TwitterNews+ Framework M Hasan, MA Orgun, R Schwitter Information Processing & Management 56 (3), 1146-1165, 2019 | 195 | 2019 |
Attempto Controlled English—not just another logic specification language NE Fuchs, U Schwertel, R Schwitter International Workshop on Logic Programming Synthesis and Transformation, 1-20, 1998 | 188 | 1998 |
English as a formal specification language R Schwitter Proceedings. 13th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems …, 2002 | 150 | 2002 |
Specifying logic programs in controlled natural language NE Fuchs, R Schwitter arXiv preprint cmp-lg/9507009, 1995 | 119 | 1995 |
A comparison of three controlled natural languages for OWL 1.1 R Schwitter, K Kaljurand, A Cregan, C Dolbear, G Hart University of Zurich, 2008 | 113 | 2008 |
Sydney OWL Syntax-towards a Controlled Natural Language Syntax for OWL 1.1. A Cregan, R Schwitter, T Meyer OWLED 258, 2007 | 104 | 2007 |
Attempto controlled english (ACE): Language manual version 3.0 NE Fuchs, U Schwertel, R Schwitter Universität Zürich. Institut für Informatik, 1999 | 102 | 1999 |
On controlled natural languages: Properties and prospects A Wyner, K Angelov, G Barzdins, D Damljanovic, B Davis, N Fuchs, ... International workshop on controlled natural language, 281-289, 2009 | 100 | 2009 |
Ecole: a look-ahead editor of controlled language R Schwitter, A Ljungberg, D Hood EAMT Workshop: Improving MT through other language technology tools …, 2003 | 100 | 2003 |
Controlled natural language meets the semanticweb R Schwitter, M Tilbrook Proceedings of the Australasian Language Technology Workshop 2004, 55-62, 2004 | 87 | 2004 |
A novel architecture for situation awareness systems F Baader, A Bauer, P Baumgartner, A Cregan, A Gabaldon, K Ji, K Lee, ... Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods: 18th …, 2009 | 58 | 2009 |
An update on PENG light C White, R Schwitter Proceedings of the Australasian Language Technology Association Workshop …, 2009 | 51 | 2009 |
Extrans, an answer extraction system D Mollá, R Schwitter, M Hess, R Fournier TAL. Traitement automatique des langues 41 (2), 495-522, 2000 | 51 | 2000 |
Attempto-from specifications in controlled natural language towards executable specifications R Schwitter, NE Fuchs arXiv preprint cmp-lg/9603004, 1996 | 50 | 1996 |
TwitterNews+: a framework for real time event detection from the Twitter data stream M Hasan, MA Orgun, R Schwitter Social Informatics: 8th International Conference, SocInfo 2016, Bellevue, WA …, 2016 | 49 | 2016 |
Writing support for controlled natural languages T Kuhn, R Schwitter Proceedings of the Australasian language technology association workshop …, 2008 | 40 | 2008 |
Let's talk in description logic via controlled natural language R Schwitter, M Tilbrook Workshop on Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics (3rd: 2006 …, 2006 | 40 | 2006 |