Articles with public access mandates - Guoqiang ZhangLearn more
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Incentive initiatives on energy-efficient renovation of existing buildings towards carbon–neutral blueprints in China: Advancements, challenges and prospects
Z Liu, C Yu, QK Qian, R Huang, K You, H Visscher, G Zhang
Energy and Buildings 296, 113343, 2023
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China, European Commission
An off-design model to optimize CCHP-GSHP system considering carbon tax
R Zeng, X Zhang, Y Deng, H Li, G Zhang
Energy conversion and management 189, 105-117, 2019
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Evaluation of CFD turbulence models for simulating external airflow around varied building roof with wind tunnel experiment
GK Ntinas, X Shen, Y Wang, G Zhang
Building Simulation 11, 115-123, 2018
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Study on convective heat transfer from pig models by CFD in a virtual wind tunnel
H Li, L Rong, G Zhang
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 123, 203-210, 2016
Mandates: Innovation Fund Denmark
Developing a protein scaffolding system for rapid enzyme immobilization and optimization of enzyme functions for biocatalysis
G Zhang, T Johnston, MB Quin, C Schmidt-Dannert
ACS Synthetic Biology 8 (8), 1867-1876, 2019
Mandates: US Department of Defense
Study on thermodynamic performance of SOFC-CCHP system integrating ORC and double-effect ARC
R Zeng, B Guo, X Zhang, H Li, G Zhang
Energy Conversion and Management 242, 114326, 2021
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Reliability of turbulence models and mesh types for CFD simulations of a mechanically ventilated pig house containing animals
H Li, L Rong, G Zhang
Biosystems Engineering 161, 37-52, 2017
Mandates: Innovation Fund Denmark
Sows’ responses to increased heat load–a review
B Bjerg, P Brandt, P Pedersen, G Zhang
Journal of Thermal Biology 94, 102758, 2020
Mandates: Innovation Fund Denmark
Dynamic performance of an evaporative cooling pad investigated in a wind tunnel for application in hot and arid climate
L Rong, P Pedersen, TL Jensen, S Morsing, G Zhang
Biosystems Engineering 156, 173-182, 2017
Mandates: Innovation Fund Denmark
Optimization and performance comparison of combined cooling, heating and power/ground source heat pump/photovoltaic/solar thermal system under different load ratio for two …
R Zeng, X Zhang, Y Deng, H Li, G Zhang
Energy Conversion and Management 208, 112579, 2020
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Investigation of discharge coefficient for wind-driven naturally ventilated dairy barns
Q Yi, G Zhang, M König, D Janke, S Hempel, T Amon
Energy and Buildings 165, 132-140, 2018
Mandates: Innovation Fund Denmark
Thermodynamic analysis of a novel combined cooling and power system utilizing liquefied natural gas (LNG) cryogenic energy and low-temperature waste heat
Y Li, Y Liu, G Zhang, Y Yang
Energy 199, 117479, 2020
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Dry matter accumulation after silking and kernel weight are the key factors for increasing maize yield and water use efficiency
F Wang, R Xie, B Ming, K Wang, P Hou, J Chen, G Liu, G Zhang, J Xue, ...
Agricultural Water Management 254, 106938, 2021
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
A novel model based on multi-grained cascade forests with wavelet denoising for indoor occupancy estimation
Y Zhou, J Chen, ZJ Yu, J Li, G Huang, F Haghighat, G Zhang
Building and Environment 167, 106461, 2020
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Evaluation of a precision air-supply system in naturally ventilated freestall dairy barns
X Wang, G Zhang, CY Choi
Biosystems Engineering 175, 1-15, 2018
Mandates: Innovation Fund Denmark
Backpressure adjustable gas turbine combined cycle: A method to improve part-load efficiency
Y Li, G Zhang, Z Bai, X Song, L Wang, Y Yang
Energy Conversion and Management 174, 739-754, 2018
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Grain yields and evapotranspiration dynamics of drip-irrigated maize under high plant density across arid to semi-humid climates
F Wang, J Xiao, B Ming, R Xie, K Wang, P Hou, G Liu, G Zhang, J Chen, ...
Agricultural Water Management 247, 106726, 2021
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Growth-coupled evolution and high-throughput screening assisted rapid enhancement for amylase-producing Bacillus licheniformis
G Zhang, Y Chen, Q Li, J Zhou, J Li, G Du
Bioresource Technology 337, 125467, 2021
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Experimental study on fire resistance improvement of wheat straw composite insulation materials for buildings
S Zou, H Li, L Liu, S Wang, X Zhang, G Zhang
Journal of Building Engineering 43, 103172, 2021
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Part-load performance analysis of a combined cycle with intermediate recuperated gas turbine
Y Li, G Zhang, L Wang, Y Yang
Energy Conversion and Management 205, 112346, 2020
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
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