Bharat Ram Ambati
Bharat Ram Ambati
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Inverse text normalization for automatic speech recognition
EJ Pusateri, BR Ambati, ES Brooks, DR McAllaster, V Nagesha, O Platek
US Patent 10,592,604, 2020
The ICON-2010 tools contest on Indian language dependency parsing
S Husain, P Mannem, BR Ambati, P Gadde
Proceedings of ICON-2010 Tools Contest on Indian Language Dependency Parsing …, 2010
Two semantic features make all the difference in parsing accuracy
A Bharati, S Husain, B Ambati, S Jain, D Sharma, R Sangal
Proc. of ICON 8, 2008
Two methods to incorporate’local morphosyntactic’features in hindi dependency parsing
BR Ambati, S Husain, S Jain, DM Sharma, R Sangal
Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 First Workshop on Statistical Parsing of …, 2010
On the role of morphosyntactic features in Hindi dependency parsing
BR Ambati, S Husain, J Nivre, R Sangal
Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 First Workshop on Statistical Parsing of …, 2010
Assessing Relative Sentence Complexity using an Incremental CCG Parser
BR Ambati, S Reddy, M Steedman
Proceedings of the 2016 Conference of the North American Chapter of the …, 2016
Experiments in indian language dependency parsing
BR Ambati, P Gadde, K Jindal
Proceedings of the ICON09 NLP Tools Contest: Indian Language Dependency …, 2009
A Mostly Data-Driven Approach to Inverse Text Normalization.
E Pusateri, BR Ambati, E Brooks, O Platek, D McAllaster, V Nagesha
INTERSPEECH, 2784-2788, 2017
Error detection for treebank validation
BR Ambati, R Agarwal, M Gupta, S Husain, DM Sharma
Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Asian Language Resources, 23-30, 2011
Using CCG categories to improve Hindi dependency parsing
BR Ambati, T Deoskar, M Steedman
ACL 2013, 2013
A High Recall Error Identification Tool for Hindi Treebank Validation.
BR Ambati, M Gupta, S Husain, DM Sharma
LREC, 2010
Intra-chunk dependency annotation: expanding hindi inter-chunk annotated treebank
P Kosaraju, BR Ambati, S Husain, DM Sharma, R Sangal
Proceedings of the Sixth Linguistic Annotation Workshop, 49-56, 2012
Hindi CCGbank: A CCG treebank from the Hindi dependency treebank
BR Ambati, T Deoskar, M Steedman
Language Resources and Evaluation, 2017
Word Sketches for Turkish
BR Ambati, S Reddy, A Kilgarriff
LREC, 2945-2950, 2012
A modular cascaded approach to complete parsing
S Husain, P Gadde, B Ambati, DM Sharma, R Sangal
2009 International Conference on Asian Language Processing, 141-146, 2009
An Incremental Algorithm for Transition-based CCG Parsing
BR Ambati, T Deoskar, M Johnson, M Steedman
Proceedings of the 2015 Conference of the North American Chapter of the …, 2015
Effect of minimal semantics on dependency parsing
BR Ambati, RP Gade, GSK Chaitanya, S Husain
Proceedings of the Student Research Workshop, 1-5, 2009
Improving Dependency Parsers using Combinatory Categorial Grammar
BR Ambati, T Deoskar, M Steedman
EACL, 159-163, 2014
Shift-Reduce CCG Parsing using Neural Network Models
BR Ambati, T Deoskar, M Steedman
HLT-NAACL, 447-453, 2016
Comparative analysis of the performance of crf, hmm and maxent for part-of-speech tagging, chunking and named entity recognition for a morphologically rich language
M Agarwal, R Goutam, A Jain, SR Kesidi, P Kosaraju, S Muktyar, B Ambati, ...
Proc. of Pacific Association For Computational Lingustics, 3-6, 2011
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Articles 1–20