Boris Nadgorny
Boris Nadgorny
Professor of Physics, Wayne State University
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Measuring the spin polarization of a metal with a superconducting point contact
RJ Soulen Jr, JM Byers, MS Osofsky, B Nadgorny, T Ambrose, SF Cheng, ...
science 282 (5386), 85-88, 1998
Origin of high transport spin polarization in Direct evidence for minority spin states
B Nadgorny, II Mazin, M Osofsky, RJ Soulen Jr, P Broussard, RM Stroud, ...
Physical Review B 63 (18), 184433, 2001
Probing spin polarization with Andreev reflection: A theoretical basis
II Mazin, AA Golubov, B Nadgorny
arXiv preprint cond-mat/0010326, 2000
Analysis of point-contact Andreev reflection spectra in spin polarization measurements
GT Woods, RJ Soulen Jr, I Mazin, B Nadgorny, MS Osofsky, J Sanders, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 70 (5), 054416, 2004
Andreev reflection: A new means to determine the spin polarization of ferromagnetic materials
RJ Soulen Jr, MS Osofsky, B Nadgorny, T Ambrose, P Broussard, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 85 (8), 4589-4591, 1999
Transport spin polarization of Ni x Fe 1− x: Electronic kinematics and band structure
B Nadgorny, RJ Soulen Jr, MS Osofsky, II Mazin, G Laprade, ...
Physical Review B 61 (6), R3788, 2000
Highly spin-polarized chromium dioxide thin films prepared by chemical vapor deposition from chromyl chloride
WJ DeSisto, PR Broussard, TF Ambrose, BE Nadgorny, MS Osofsky
Applied Physics Letters 76 (25), 3789-3791, 2000
Ferromagnetism and spin-polarized charge carriers in thin films
RP Panguluri, P Kharel, C Sudakar, R Naik, R Suryanarayanan, VM Naik, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (16), 165208, 2009
Spin polarization and electronic structure of ferromagnetic Mn5Ge3 epilayers
RP Panguluri, C Zeng, HH Weitering, JM Sullivan, SC Erwin, B Nadgorny
physica status solidi (b) 242 (8), R67-R69, 2005
High quality YBa2Cu3O7 Josephson junctions made by direct electron beam writing
SK Tolpygo, S Shokhor, B Nadgorny, JY Lin, M Gurvitch, A Bourdillon, ...
Applied physics letters 63 (12), 1696-1698, 1993
All‐high‐Tc superconductor rapid‐single‐flux‐quantum circuit operating at 30 K
S Shokhor, B Nadgorny, M Gurvitch, V Semenov, Y Polyakov, K Likharev, ...
Applied physics letters 67 (19), 2869-2871, 1995
Andreev reflection and pair-breaking effects at the superconductor/magnetic semiconductor interface
RP Panguluri, KC Ku, T Wojtowicz, X Liu, JK Furdyna, YB Lyanda-Geller, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 (5), 054510, 2005
Growth and magnetic properties of single crystal Co/sub 2/MnX (X= Si, Ge) Heusler alloys
SF Cheng, B Nadgomy, K Bussmann, EE Carpenter, BN Das, G Trotter, ...
IEEE transactions on magnetics 37 (4), 2176-2178, 2001
Oxygen vacancy enhanced room temperature magnetism in Al-doped MgO nanoparticles
D Mishra, BP Mandal, R Mukherjee, R Naik, G Lawes, B Nadgorny
Applied Physics Letters 102 (18), 2013
Measurements of spin polarization of epitaxial thin films
B Nadgorny, MS Osofsky, DJ Singh, GT Woods, RJ Soulen Jr, MK Lee, ...
Applied physics letters 82 (3), 427-429, 2003
Point contact spin spectroscopy of ferromagnetic MnAs epitaxial films
RP Panguluri, G Tsoi, B Nadgorny, SH Chun, N Samarth, II Mazin
Physical Review B 68 (20), 201307, 2003
On the half-metallicity of CoFeSi Heusler alloy: Point-contact Andreev reflection spectroscopy and ab initio study
L Makinistian, MM Faiz, RP Panguluri, B Balke, S Wurmehl, C Felser, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (22), 220402, 2013
Transport spin polarization of high Curie temperature MnBi films
P Kharel, P Thapa, P Lukashev, RF Sabirianov, EY Tsymbal, DJ Sellmyer, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83 (2), 024415, 2011
Robust room temperature persistent photoconductivity in polycrystalline indium oxide films
A Dixit, RP Panguluri, C Sudakar, P Kharel, P Thapa, I Avrutsky, R Naik, ...
Applied Physics Letters 94 (25), 2009
Disorder effects in half-metallic Sr2FeMoO6 single crystals
RP Panguluri, S Xu, Y Moritomo, IV Solovyev, B Nadgorny
Applied Physics Letters 94 (1), 2009
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Articles 1–20