Prof. Dr. Hassan H. M. Darweesh
Prof. Dr. Hassan H. M. Darweesh
Professor of Cement and Technology of Building Materials (National Research Centre)
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Cited by
Building materials from siliceous clay and low grade dolomite rocks
HHM Darweesh
Ceramics International 27 (1), 45-50, 2001
Limestone as an accelerator and filler in limestone-substituted alumina cement
HHM Darweesh
Ceramics international 30 (2), 145-150, 2004
Nanomaterials: Classification and Properties-Part I
HHM Darweesh
Nanoscience 1 (1), 1-11, 2018
Hydration of calcined bentonite Portland blended cement pastes
HHM Darweesh, ZA Nagieb
CSIR, 2007
Synthesis, characterization, and cement application of vinyl acetate water-soluble graft polymers
MMH Ayoub, HE Nasr, SM Negim, HHM Darweesh*
Polymer-Plastic Technology and Engineering 44 (2), 305-319, 2005
“Setting and hardening of Agro/cement composites”
AH Abdel-Kader, HH Darweesh
Journal of BioResources 4 (1), 43-54, 2010
“Geopolymer cements from slag, fly ash and silica fume activated with sodium hydroxide and water glass”
HHM Darweesh
Interceram International 6 (1), 226-231, 2017
Utilization of perlite rock in blended cement-Part I: Physicomechanical properties
HHM Darweesh
Direct Res. J. Chem. Mater. Sci. DRCMS 2, 1-12, 2014
"Effect of Phthalic Anhydride-Based Hyperbranched Polyesteramide on Cement Characteristics"
MMA A. Amin, S. M. M. Morsi, H. H. Darweesh
Journal of Applied Polymer Sciences 120, 3054-3064, 2011
Influence of sun flower stalk ash (SFSA) on the behavior of Portland cement pastes
HHM Darweesh
Results in Engineering 8, 100171, 2020
Recycling of glass waste in ceramics—part I: physical, mechanical and thermal properties
HHM Darweesh
SN Applied Sciences 1 (10), 1274, 2019
Densification and Thermomechanical Properties of Conventional Ceramic Composites Containing Two Different Industrial Byproducts
HHM Darweesh
The 1st USM-KAZNU International Conference., 2012
Employing of some hyperbranched polyesteramides as new polymeric admixtures for cement
A Amin, HHM Darweesh, AM Ramadan, SMM Morsi, MMH Ayoub
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 121 (1), 309-320, 2011
Saw Dust Ash Substitution for Cement Pastes-Part I
H. H. M. Darweesh, M. R. Abo El-Souod
American Journal of Construction and Building Materials 2 (1), 1-9, 2017
Setting, hardening and mechanical properties of some cement/agrowaste composites-Part I
HHM Darweesh, MRA El-Suoud
Am. J. Min. Metall 2, 32-40, 2014
Utilization of pulp black liquor waste as a cement admixture
HHM Darweesh, AH Abdel-Kader, MG El-Meligy
International Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 2 (3), 230, 2013
Characterization and utilization of polystyrene and polyacrylamide-graft-methoxypolyethylene as cement admixtures
MMH Ayoub, HE Nasr, HHM Darweesh
Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering 45 (12), 1307-1315, 2006
Mortar composites based on industrial wastes
HHM Darweesh
Int. J. Mater. Lifetime 3 (1), 1-8, 2017
“The Effect of microsilica and aluminum metal powder on the densification parameters, mechanical properties and microstructure of alumina–mullite ceramic composites”
MMS Wahsh, HEH Sadek, SA El-Aleem, HHM Darweesh
Journal of Advances in Materials 4 (4), 80-84, 2015
“Setting, hardening and Strength properties of cement pastes with zeolite alone or in combination with slag”
HHM Darweesh
InterCeram International (Intern. Cer. Review), Germany 1, 52-57, 2012
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Articles 1–20