Mengqian Lu
Cited by
Cited by
Global atmospheric moisture transport associated with precipitation extremes: Mechanisms and climate change impacts
B Liu, X Tan, TY Gan, X Chen, K Lin, M Lu, Z Liu
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water 7 (2), e1412, 2020
A novel atmospheric river identification algorithm
M Pan, M Lu
Water Resources Research 55 (7), 6069-6087, 2019
East Asia Atmospheric River Catalog: Annual Cycle, Transition Mechanism and Precipitation
M Pan, M Lu
Geophysical Research Letters 47, e2020GL089477, 2020
Atmospheric moisture transport versus precipitation across the Tibetan Plateau: A mini-review and current challenges
Y Ma, M Lu, H Chen, M Pan, Y Hong
Atmospheric Research 209, 50-58, 2018
Hydroclimate drivers and atmospheric teleconnections of long duration floods: An application to large reservoirs in the Missouri River Basin
N Najibi, N Devineni, M Lu
Advances in water resources 100, 153-167, 2017
Precipitation predictability associated with tropical moisture exports and circulation patterns for a major flood in France in 1995
M Lu, U Lall, A Schwartz, HH Kwon
Water Resources Research 49 (10), 6381-6392, 2013
Changes in the seasonality of tornado and favorable genesis conditions in the central United States
M Lu, M Tippett, U Lall
Geophysical research letters 42 (10), 4224-4231, 2015
Predicting dynamic riverine nitrogen export in unmonitored watersheds: leveraging insights of AI from data-rich regions
R Xiong, Y Zheng, N Chen, Q Tian, W Liu, F Han, S Jiang, M Lu, Y Zheng
Environmental Science & Technology 56 (14), 10530-10542, 2022
Spatially coherent clusters of summer precipitation extremes in the Tibetan Plateau: Where is the moisture from?
Y Ma, M Lu, C Bracken, H Chen
Atmospheric Research 237, 104841, 2020
Moisture source-receptor network of the East Asian summer monsoon land regions and the associated atmospheric steerings
TF Cheng, M Lu
Journal of Climate, 2020
The Zonal Oscillation and the Driving Mechanisms of the Extreme western North Pacific Subtropical High and its impacts on East Asia Summer Precipitation
TF Cheng, M Lu, L Dai
Journal of Climate 32 (10), 3025 - 3050, 2019
Future atmospheric rivers and impacts on precipitation: Overview of the ARTMIP Tier 2 high‐resolution global warming experiment
CA Shields, AE Payne, EJ Shearer, MF Wehner, TA O’Brien, JJ Rutz, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 50 (6), e2022GL102091, 2023
Tropical Moisture Exports, Extreme Precipitation and Floods in Northeastern US
M Lu, U Lall
Earth Science Research 6 (2), 91-111, 2017
Characterizing the spatial variations and correlations of large rainstorms for landslide study
L Gao, L Zhang, M Lu
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 21, 4573-4589, 2017
Heatwave and blocking in the Northeastern Asia: Occurrence, variability, and association
B Fang, M Lu
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 125 (6), e2019JD031627, 2020
Future changes in global atmospheric rivers projected by CMIP6 models
L Zhang, Y Zhao, TF Cheng, M Lu
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 129 (3), e2023JD039359, 2024
Define East Asian monsoon annual cycle via a self‐organizing map‐based approach
L Dai, TF Cheng, M Lu
Geophysical Research Letters, e2020GL089542, 2020
Summer monsoon rainfall patterns and predictability over southeast China
L Dai, TF Cheng, M Lu
Water Resources Research 56 (2), e2019WR025515, 2020
Optimizing multiple reliable forward contracts for reservoir allocation using multitime scale streamflow forecasts
M Lu, U Lall, AW Robertson, E Cook
Water Resources Research 53 (3), 2035 - 2050, 2017
Exploring the predictability of 30-day extreme precipitation occurrence using a global SST–SLP correlation network
M Lu, U Lall, J Kawale, S Liess, V Kumar
Journal of Climate 29 (3), 1013-1029, 2016
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