Yating Zhu
Yating Zhu
East China Normal University
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Composition and distribution of bacterial communities and antibiotic resistance genes in fish of four mariculture systems
M Zhang, L Hou, Y Zhu, C Zhang, W Li, X Lai, J Yang, S Li, H Shu
Environmental Pollution 311, 119934, 2022
Functional genomic characterization unveils probiotic features of Bacillus cereus G1-11 isolated from the gut of the hybrid grouper (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus♀× E. lanceolatus♂)
G Xie, Y Zhu, Z Zhong, Q Du, Y Wu, K Xing, M Zhang, H Shu
LWT 184, 115088, 2023
Screening of host gut-derived probiotics and effects of feeding probiotics on growth, immunity, and antioxidant enzyme activity of hybrid grouper (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus …
Y Zhu, W Li, M Zhang, Z Zhong, Z Zhou, J Han, C Zhang, J Yang, Y Wu, ...
Fish & Shellfish Immunology 136, 108700, 2023
一株安全高效的好氧反硝化菌 Pseudomonas stutzeri DZ11 的生物安全性及脱氮性能研究.
赵洋, 孙慧明, 林浩澎, 罗娉婷, 朱雅婷, 陈琼华, 舒琥
Biotechnology Bulletin 38 (10), 2022
Functional genomic characterization reveals the probiotic tendency and safety assessment of Exiguobacterium acetylicum G1–33 isolated from the gut of the hybrid grouper …
G Xie, M Zhang, Z Zhong, Y Zhu, X Fan, M Li, K Xing, H Shu
Aquaculture Reports 36, 102127, 2024
Immunological process of T cells and IgM+ B cells in head kidney and peripheral blood in early vertebrate Nile tilapia
Y Zheng, Q Zhang, Y Zhu, J Zhang, M Geng, Y Lu, K Li, X Wei
Comparative Immunology Reports 8, 200189, 2025
赤点石斑鱼 (Epinephelus akaara) 精子超微结构及环境因子对精子活力的影响
朱雅婷, 张明清, 吴妤莘, 赵会宏, 张海发, 舒琥
海洋与湖沼 53 (6), 1523-1530, 2022
两种混养方式对异枝江蓠 (Gracilaria bailinae) 生长性能, 表面附生细菌群落及抗生素抗性基因的影响
李雯, 张明清, 赖星星, 张翠萍, 覃伟健, 杨金霖, 朱雅婷, 舒琥
海洋与湖沼 53 (1), 235-245, 2022
Fish requires FasL to facilitate CD8+ T-cell function and antimicrobial immunity
K Li, Y Zhu, Z Fang, M Geng, J Zhang, Y Zheng, Y Cao, X Wei, J Yang
The Journal of Immunology, 0
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