Chengxin Jiang
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Cited by
Penetration of mid-crustal low velocity zone across the Kunlun Fault in the NE Tibetan Plateau revealed by ambient noise tomography
C Jiang, Y Yang, Y Zheng
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 406, 81-92, 2014
Late Mesozoic development of the southern Qinling–Dabieshan foreland fold-thrust belt, Central China, and its role in continent–continent collision
S Liu, W Li, K Wang, T Qian, C Jiang
Tectonophysics 644, 220-234, 2015
Upper Mantle Seismic Structure of Alaska From Rayleigh and S Wave Tomography
C Jiang, B Schmandt, KM Ward, FC Lin, LL Worthington
Geophysical Research Letters 45 (19), 10,350-10,359, 2018
Seismically anisotropic magma reservoirs underlying silicic calderas
C Jiang, B Schmandt, J Farrell, FC Lin, KM Ward
Geology 46 (8), 727-730, 2018
NoisePy: A new high‐performance python tool for ambient‐noise seismology
C Jiang, MA Denolle
Seismological Research Letters 91 (3), 1853-1866, 2020
CGDK: An extensible CorelDRAW VBA program for geological drafting
JT Qiu, WJ Song, CX Jiang, H Wu, RM Dong
Computers & Geosciences 51, 34-48, 2013
Rayleigh and S wave tomography constraints on subduction termination and lithospheric foundering in central California
C Jiang, B Schmandt, SM Hansen, SL Dougherty, RW Clayton, J Farrell, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 488, 14-26, 2018
Seismic perspectives from the western US on magma reservoirs underlying large silicic calderas
B Schmandt, C Jiang, J Farrell
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 384, 158-178, 2019
Crustal deformation in Southern California constrained by radial anisotropy from ambient noise adjoint tomography
K Wang, C Jiang, Y Yang, V Schulte‐Pelkum, Q Liu
Geophysical Research Letters 47 (12), e2020GL088580, 2020
A detailed earthquake catalog for Banda Arc–Australian plate collision zone using machine‐learning phase picker and an automated workflow
C Jiang, P Zhang, MCA White, R Pickle, MS Miller
The Seismic Record 2 (1), 1-10, 2022
Magma accumulation at depths of prior rhyolite storage beneath Yellowstone Caldera
R Maguire, B Schmandt, J Li, C Jiang, G Li, J Wilgus, M Chen
Science 378 (6623), 1001-1004, 2022
Crustal structure in the junction of Qinling Orogen, Yangtze Craton and Tibetan Plateau: implications for the formation of the Dabashan Orocline and the growth of Tibetan Plateau
C Jiang, Y Yang, Y Zheng
Geophysical Journal International 205 (3), 1670-1681, 2016
Optimal stacking of noise cross-correlation functions
X Yang, J Bryan, K Okubo, C Jiang, T Clements, MA Denolle
Geophysical Journal International 232 (3), 1600-1618, 2023
Adjoint tomography of ambient noise data and teleseismic P waves: Methodology and applications to central California
K Wang, Y Yang, C Jiang, Y Wang, P Tong, T Liu, Q Liu
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 126 (6), e2021JB021648, 2021
Pronounced seismic anisotropy in Kanto sedimentary basin: A case study of using dense arrays, ambient noise seismology, and multi‐modal surface‐wave imaging
C Jiang, MA Denolle
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, e2022JB024613, 2022
Crustal and upper mantle velocity structure of SE Tibet from joint inversion of Rayleigh wave phase velocity and teleseismic body wave data
X Yang, Y Luo, C Jiang, Y Yang, F Niu, G Li
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 128 (7), e2022JB026162, 2023
Upper‐crustal shear‐wave velocity structure of the south‐central Rio Grande rift above the Socorro magma body imaged with ambient noise by the large‐N Sevilleta seismic array
NR Ranasinghe, LL Worthington, C Jiang, B Schmandt, TS Finlay, ...
Seismological Research Letters 89 (5), 1708-1719, 2018
Crustal structure of the Newer Volcanics Province, SE Australia, from ambient noise tomography
C Jiang, Y Yang, N Rawlinson, WL Griffin
Tectonophysics 683, 382-392, 2016
Imaging the Kanto Basin seismic basement with earthquake and noise autocorrelation functions
L Viens, C Jiang, MA Denolle
Geophysical Journal International 230 (2), 1080-1091, 2022
Shear velocity evidence of upper crustal magma storage beneath Valles Caldera
J Wilgus, B Schmandt, R Maguire, C Jiang, J Chaput
Geophysical Research Letters 50 (5), e2022GL101520, 2023
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