Thomaz Teodorovicz
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A (des) coordenação de políticas para a indústria de agrotóxicos no Brasil
VM Pelaez, LR da Silva, TA Guimarães, F Dal Ri, T Teodorovicz
Revista Brasileira de Inovação 14, 153-178, 2015
How does working from home during COVID-19 affect what managers do? Evidence from time-Use studies
T Teodorovicz, R Sadun, AL Kun, O Shaer
Human–Computer Interaction 37 (6), 532-557, 2022
Working from Home during COVID-19: Evidence from Time-Use Studies
T Teodorovicz, R Sadun, AL Kun, O Shaer
Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 21-094, 2021
Where Did the Commute Time Go?
A Kun, O Shaer, R Sadun, T Teodorovicz
Harvard Business Review (online), 2020
A dinâmica do comércio internacional de agrotóxicos
V Pelaez, T Teodorovicz, T André Guimarães, L Rodrigues da Silva, ...
Revista de Política Agrícola 25 (2), 39-52, 2016
Multitasking while driving: A time use study of commuting knowledge workers to assess current and future uses
T Teodorovicz, AL Kun, R Sadun, O Shaer
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 162, 102789, 2022
Investing in general human capital as a relational strategy: Evidence on flexible arrangements with contract workers
T Teodorovicz, S Lazzarini, S Cabral, AM McGahan
Strategic Management Journal 45 (5), 902-938, 2024
Can public organizations perform like private firms? The role of heterogeneous resources and practices
T Teodorovicz, S Lazzarini, S Cabral, L Nardi
Organization Science 34 (4), 1527-1553, 2023
Why are counterfactual assessment methods not widespread in outcome-based contracts? A formal model approach
SG Lazzarini, S Cabral, S Firpo, T Teodorovicz
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 32 (3), 509-523, 2022
What determines ai adoption?
TJ DeStefano, T Teodorovicz, J Cho, H Kim, J Paik
Academy of Management Proceedings 2022 (1), 14791, 2022
The evolution of a methodology for relevant market definitiion: an analysis of CADE’s jurisprudence on private higher educational markets
T Teodorovicz, T Leandro, LA Esteves
Economic Analysis of Law Review 6 (2), 246-268, 2015
Insider econometrics: a guide to management scholars
T Teodorovicz, S Cabral, S Lazzarini
RAUSP Management Journal 54 (4), 446-458, 2019
Os mercados relevantes do ramo de agrotóxicos
T Teodorovicz, VMP Alvarez, TA Guimarães
Ensaios FEE 36 (4), 869-892, 2016
Counterfactual assessment methods and outcome-based contracts: a formal model approach
SG Lazzarini, S Cabral, S Firpo, T Teodorovicz
Academy of Management Proceedings 2021 (1), 10972, 2021
Integrating organizational, resource-based, and practice-based views of heterogeneous performance
T Teodorovicz, SG Lazzarini, S Cabral, L Nardi
Academy of Management Proceedings 2017 (1), 14718, 2017
Location-specificity and relocation incentive programs for remote workers
T Teodorovicz, P Choudhury, E Starr
Organization Science 36 (1), 186-212, 2025
Monitoring the governance of state-owned enterprises: Assessing the impact of corporate governance reforms in Brazil
D Coelho, T Teodorovicz, ACM Fritscher, RM Café, S Lazzarini, ...
IDB Working Paper Series, 2024
How does working from home during Covid-19 affect what managers do? Evidence from time-use studies
AL Kun, R Sadun, O Shaer, T Teodorovicz
CEP Discussion Papers, 2022
Can Transfer Methods Skew Knowledge Adoption? Experiments on Transferring Multiple Knowledge Inputs
T Teodorovicz
Academy of Management Proceedings 2021 (1), 12206, 2021
Rewarding for Causal Impact: Integrating Policy Evaluation and Incentive Alignment in the Design of Cross-Sector Contracts
SG Lazzarini, T Teodorovicz, S Firpo, S Cabral
Available at SSRN 3603045, 2020
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Articles 1–20