Pb isotopic analysis of standards and samples using a 207Pb–204Pb double spike and thallium to correct for mass bias with a double-focusing MC-ICP-MS J Baker, D Peate, T Waight, C Meyzen Chemical Geology 211 (3-4), 275-303, 2004 | 727 | 2004 |
Sr isotope ratio measurements by double-focusing MC-ICPMS: techniques, observations and pitfalls T Waight, J Baker, D Peate International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 221 (3), 229-244, 2002 | 193 | 2002 |
Carbonate assimilation at Merapi Volcano, Java, Indonesia: insights from crystal isotope stratigraphy JP Chadwick, VR Troll, C Ginibre, D Morgan, R Gertisser, TE Waight, ... Journal of Petrology 48 (9), 1793-1812, 2007 | 172 | 2007 |
Fingerprinting feldspar phenocrysts using crystal isotopic composition stratigraphy: implications for crystal transfer and magma mingling in S-type granites TE Waight, R Maas, IA Nicholls Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 139 (2), 227-239, 2000 | 168 | 2000 |
A fifty year perspective of magmatic evolution on Ruapehu Volcano, New Zealand: verification of open system behaviour in an arc volcano JA Gamble, CP Wood, RC Price, IEM Smith, RB Stewart, T Waight Earth and Planetary Science Letters 170 (3), 301-314, 1999 | 144 | 1999 |
The anatomy of an andesite volcano: a time–stratigraphic study of andesite petrogenesis and crustal evolution at Ruapehu Volcano, New Zealand RC Price, JA Gamble, IEM Smith, R Maas, T Waight, RB Stewart, ... Journal of Petrology 53 (10), 2139-2189, 2012 | 138 | 2012 |
Geochemical investigations of microgranitoid enclaves in the S-type Cowra Granodiorite, Lachlan Fold Belt, SE Australia TE Waight, R Maas, IA Nicholls Lithos 56 (2-3), 165-186, 2001 | 118 | 2001 |
Rb isotope dilution analyses by MC-ICPMS using Zr to correct for mass fractionation: towards improved Rb–Sr geochronology? T Waight, J Baker, B Willigers Chemical Geology 186 (1-2), 99-116, 2002 | 116 | 2002 |
Digestion fractional crystallization (DFC): an important process in the genesis of kimberlites. Evidence from olivine in the Majuagaa kimberlite, southern West Greenland LH Pilbeam, TFD Nielsen, TE Waight Journal of Petrology 54 (7), 1399-1425, 2013 | 114 | 2013 |
The Hohonu Batholith of North Westland, New Zealand: granitoid compositions controlled by source H2O contents and generated during tectonic transition TE Waight, SD Weaver, RJ Muir, R Maas, GN Eby Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 130 (3-4), 225-239, 1998 | 106 | 1998 |
Metasomatized ancient lithospheric mantle beneath the young Z ealandia microcontinent and its role in HIMU‐like intraplate magmatism JM Scott, TE Waight, QHA Van der Meer, JM Palin, AF Cooper, C Münker Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 15 (9), 3477-3501, 2014 | 105 | 2014 |
186Os and 187Os enrichments and high-3He/4He sources in the Earth’s mantle: evidence from Icelandic picrites AD Brandon, DW Graham, T Waight, B Gautason Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 71 (18), 4570-4591, 2007 | 104 | 2007 |
Rapid and highly reproducible analysis of rare earth elements by multiple collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry J Baker, T Waight, D Ulfbeck Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 66 (20), 3635-3646, 2002 | 100 | 2002 |
Historic magmatism on the Reykjanes Peninsula, Iceland: a snap-shot of melt generation at a ridge segment DW Peate, JA Baker, SP Jakobsson, TE Waight, AJR Kent, ... Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 157, 359-382, 2009 | 98 | 2009 |
Lead isotopic disequilibrium between sulfide and plagioclase in the Bushveld Complex and the chemical evolution of large layered intrusions EA Mathez, TE Waight Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 67 (10), 1875-1888, 2003 | 98 | 2003 |
Pb isotopic zoning of K-feldspar megacrysts determined by Laser Ablation Multi-Collector ICP-MS: Insights into granite petrogenesis D Gagnevin, JS Daly, TE Waight, D Morgan, G Poli Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 69 (7), 1899-1915, 2005 | 97 | 2005 |
Isotope Dilution MC‐ICP‐MS Rare Earth Element Analysis of Geochemical Reference Materials NIST SRM 610, NIST SRM 612, NIST SRM 614, BHVO‐2G, BHVO‐2, BCR‐2G, JB‐2, WS‐E, W‐2 … AJR Kent, B Jacobsen, DW Peate, TE Waight, JA Baker Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research 28 (3), 417-429, 2004 | 95 | 2004 |
Mid-Cretaceous granitic magmatism during the transition from subduction to extension in southern New Zealand: a chemical and tectonic synthesis TE Waight, SD Weaver, RJ Muir Lithos 45 (1-4), 469-482, 1998 | 95 | 1998 |
A large impact crater beneath Hiawatha Glacier in northwest Greenland KH Kjær, NK Larsen, T Binder, AA Bjørk, O Eisen, MA Fahnestock, ... Science advances 4 (11), eaar8173, 2018 | 94 | 2018 |
Lead isotope analysis of archaeological metals by multiple‐collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry J Baker, S Stos, T Waight Archaeometry 48 (1), 45-56, 2006 | 90 | 2006 |