Carolien Martijn
Carolien Martijn
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Cited by
A multilab preregistered replication of the ego-depletion effect
MS Hagger, NLD Chatzisarantis, H Alberts, CO Anggono, C Batailler, ...
Perspectives on Psychological Science 11 (4), 546-573, 2016
A meta-analytic review of stand-alone interventions to improve body image
JM Alleva, P Sheeran, TL Webb, C Martijn, E Miles
PloS one 10 (9), e0139177, 2015
Expand Your Horizon: A programme that improves body image and reduces self-objectification by training women to focus on body functionality
JM Alleva, C Martijn, GJP Van Breukelen, A Jansen, K Karos
Body image 15, 81-89, 2015
Food and values: an examination of values underlying attitudes toward genetically modified-and organically grown food products
E Dreezens, C Martijn, P Tenbült, G Kok, NK De Vries
Appetite 44 (1), 115-122, 2005
The influence of trait and induced state impulsivity on food intake in normal-weight healthy women
R Guerrieri, C Nederkoorn, K Stankiewicz, H Alberts, N Geschwind, ...
Appetite 49 (1), 66-73, 2007
Getting a grip on ourselves: Challenging expectancies about loss of energy after self-control
C Martijn, P Tenbült, H Merckelbach, E Dreezens, NK de Vries
Social Cognition 20 (6), 441-460, 2002
Inducing impulsivity leads high and low restrained eaters into overeating, whereas current dieters stick to their diet
R Guerrieri, C Nederkoorn, M Schrooten, C Martijn, A Jansen
Appetite 53 (1), 93-100, 2009
Fighting self-control failure: Overcoming ego depletion by increasing self-awareness
HJEM Alberts, C Martijn, NK De Vries
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 47 (1), 58-62, 2011
Negativity and positivity effects in person perception and inference: Ability versus morality
C Martijn, R Spears, J Van der Pligt, E Jakobs
European Journal of Social Psychology 22 (5), 453-463, 1992
Perceived naturalness and acceptance of genetically modified food
P Tenbült, NK de Vries, E Dreezens, C Martijn
Appetite 45 (1), 47-50, 2005
Dealing efficiently with emotions: Acceptance-based coping with negative emotions requires fewer resources than suppression
HJEM Alberts, F Schneider, C Martijn
Cognition & emotion 26 (5), 863-870, 2012
A pilot study investigating whether focusing on body functionality can protect women from the potential negative effects of viewing thin-ideal media images
JM Alleva, J Veldhuis, C Martijn
Body Image 17, 10-13, 2016
A randomised-controlled trial investigating potential underlying mechanisms of a functionality-based approach to improving women’s body image
JM Alleva, PC Diedrichs, E Halliwell, C Martijn, BG Stuijfzand, ...
Body image 25, 85-96, 2018
Body language: Affecting body satisfaction by describing the body in functionality terms
JM Alleva, C Martijn, A Jansen, C Nederkoorn
Psychology of Women Quarterly 38 (2), 181-196, 2014
Overcoming ego depletion: the influence of exemplar priming on self‐control performance
C Martijn, HJEM Alberts, H Merckelbach, R Havermans, A Huijts, ...
European Journal of Social Psychology 37 (2), 231-238, 2007
The effect of suppressing negative emotions on eating behavior in binge eating disorder
AE Dingemans, C Martijn, ATM Jansen, EF van Furth
Appetite 52 (1), 51-57, 2009
I see what you see: The lack of a self‐serving body‐image bias in eating disorders
A Jansen, T Smeets, C Martijn, C Nederkoorn
British Journal of Clinical Psychology 45 (1), 123-135, 2006
A new science of mental disorders: Using personalised, transdiagnostic, dynamical systems to understand, model, diagnose and treat psychopathology
A Roefs, EI Fried, M Kindt, C Martijn, B Elzinga, AWM Evers, RW Wiers, ...
Behaviour Research and Therapy 153, 104096, 2022
Carrying on or giving in: The role of automatic processes in overcoming ego depletion
HJEM Alberts, C Martijn, J Greb, H Merckelbach, NK de Vries
British Journal of Social Psychology 46 (2), 383-399, 2007
Mirror exposure to increase body satisfaction: Should we guide the focus of attention towards positively or negatively evaluated body parts?
A Jansen, V Voorwinde, Y Hoebink, M Rekkers, C Martijn, S Mulkens
Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry 50, 90-96, 2016
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Articles 1–20