George Kimathi
George Kimathi
Senior Lecturer, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa
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Cited by
Factors influencing the utilization of focused antenatal care services in Malindi and Magarini sub-counties of Kilifi county, Kenya
D Chorongo, FM Okinda, EJ Kariuki, E Mulewa, F Ibinda, S Muhula, ...
The Pan African Medical Journal 25 (Suppl 2), 14, 2016
Mathematical Modelling of COVID‐19 Transmission in Kenya: A Model with Reinfection Transmission Mechanism
IM Wangari, S Sewe, G Kimathi, M Wainaina, V Kitetu, W Kaluki
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 2021 (1), 5384481, 2021
Mathematical modeling of typhoid fever disease incorporating unprotected humans in the spread dynamics
JW Karunditu, G Kimathi, S Osman
Journal of Advances in Mathematics and Computer Science 32 (3), 1-11, 2019
Assessment of hygienic and food handling practices among street food vendors in Nakuru Town in Kenya
F Muhonja, GK Kimathi
Science Journal of Public Health., 2014
A cross-sectional study of antimicrobial use among self-medicating COVID-19 cases in Nyeri County, Kenya
G Kimathi, J Kiarie, L Njarambah, J Onditi, D Ojakaa
Antimicrobial Resistance & Infection Control 11 (1), 111, 2022
Analysis of transmission dynamics of anthrax in animals: a modeling approach
GT Githire, G Kimathi, M Wainaina
J. Sci. Res. Rep 23 (1), 1-9, 2019
Analysis and modeling of tuberculosis transmission dynamics
R Jerubet, G Kimathi, M Wanaina
J. Adv. Math. Comput. Sci 32, 1-14, 2019
Mathematical modeling of drug abuse as an infectious disease in secondary schools incorporating guidance and counseling
CK Muketo, G Kimathi, M Wainaina
International Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology-IJMTT 67, 2021
Formulation of a mathematical model for the transmission dynamics of infectious bursal disease (IBD), incorporating effects of environmental factors
EA Omollo, G Kimathi
Asian Research Journal of Mathematics 16 (9), 20-35, 2020
Lessons learnt from implementation of outcome linked community led total sanitation intervention in Busia Kenya
M Muchangi, G Kimathi
Loughborough University, 2017
Adaptive scenarios in quality improvement (QI): a case study of an international health development and research organization embracing change.
M Majigo, H Oruko, K Kinagwi, M Peter, M Gabriel, O Fransesca, ...
International Journal of Health Sciences and Research-Research Gate, 2015
Mutual inhibition, competition, and periodicity in a two species Chemostat-like System
EG Kimathi
University of Nairobi, 2013
Lessons Learnt from Implementation of Outcome Linked Community Led Total Sanitation Intervention in Busia Kenya
M Josphat, G Kimathi
40th WEDC International Conference, Loughborough, United Kingdom, 2017
Oral PrEP for HIV prevention: Early lessons from a PrEP demonstration project in Kenya
J Kyongo, M Kiragu, S Nduta, R Karuga, R Mulwa, P Mwimali, D Njeru
Res. Hum. Retrovir 32, 286, 2016
Disparities in Knowledge, Attitude and Practices on Mental Health among Healthcare Workers and Community members in Meru County, Kenya
C Kiilu, J Musembi, D Mukami, C Mwenda, Y Opanga, G Kimathi
medRxiv, 2022.03. 09.22270872, 2022
SPARC the change: what the strategic purchasing Africa resource center has learned about improving strategic health purchasing in Africa
C Cashin, G Kimathi, N Otoo, D Bloom, A Gatome-Munyua
Health Systems & Reform 8 (2), 2149380, 2022
Antecedents of patients Covid-19 management outcomes
SO Sam, S Sewe, G Kimathi, M Wainaina
International Journal of Statistics and Applied Mathematics 6, 109-117, 2021
Effectiveness of innovative training models in building capacity of frontline health workers to manage Non-communicable diseases. A cross-sectional study in four counties in Kenya
C Kiilu, S Jefferys, A Aiello, C Were, B Sifuma, G Kimathi, A Kimeu
Willingness and ability to pay for sanitation in Busia
JM Muchangi, G Kimathi, S Karanja, M Kuijpers, M Ooijevaar
Scientific & Academic Publishing, 2019
Effects of Viscosity and Thermal Conductivity on Convective Flow of Two Viscous Immiscible Dusty and Pure Fluids in a Vertical Corrugated Wall and a Parallel Flat Wall
WK Musau, G Kimathi, C Songa
Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 15 (5), 603-613, 2019
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Articles 1–20