Beth Middleton
Beth Middleton
Research Ecologist, U.S. Geological Survey, Wetland and Aquatic Research Center (former professor at
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Wetland restoration, flood pulsing, and disturbance dynamics
B Middleton
John Wiley & Sons, 1999
Wetlands in a changing climate: science, policy and management
WR Moomaw, GL Chmura, GT Davies, CM Finlayson, BA Middleton, ...
Wetlands 38 (2), 183-205, 2018
Degradation of mangrove tissues and implications for peat formation in Belizean island forests
BA Middleton, KL McKee
Journal of Ecology, 818-828, 2001
Fens and floodplains of the temperate zone: present status, threats, conservation and restoration
R van Diggelen, B Middleton, J Bakker, A Grootjans, M Wassen
Applied Vegetation Science 9 (2), 157-162, 2006
Biodiversity management of fens and fen meadows by grazing, cutting and burning
BA Middleton, B Holsten, R Van Diggelen
Applied Vegetation Science 9 (2), 307-316, 2006
Soil seed banks and the potential restoration of forested wetlands after farming
BA Middleton
Journal of Applied Ecology 40 (6), 1025-1034, 2003
Hydrochory, seed banks, and regeneration dynamics along the landscape boundaries of a forested wetland
B Middleton
Plant Ecology 146, 167-181, 2000
Flood pulsing in wetlands: restoring the natural hydrological balance
BA Middleton
John Wiley & Sons, 2002
Mechanisms for Dominance in An Early Successional Old Field by the Invasive Non-Native Lespedeza Cuneata (Dum. Cours.) G. Don
AL Brandon, DJ Gibson, BA Middleton
Biological Invasions 6, 483-493, 2004
Rediscovering traditional vegetation management in preserves: Trading experiences between cultures and continents
BA Middleton
Biological Conservation 158, 271-279, 2013
The flood pulse concept in wetland restoration
BA Middleton
Flood pulsing in wetlands: Restoring the natural hydrological balance, 1-10, 2002
Effects of water level alteration on carbon cycling in peatlands
Y Zhong, M Jiang, BA Middleton
Ecosystem Health and Sustainability 6 (1), 1806113, 2020
Vegetation dynamics and seed banks of a monsoonal wetland overgrown with Paspalum distichum L. in northern India
BA Middleton, AG van der Valk, DH Mason, RL Williams, CB Davis
Aquatic Botany 40 (3), 239-259, 1991
Nonequilibrium dynamics of sedge meadows grazed by cattle in southern Wisconsin
B Middleton
Plant Ecology 161, 89-110, 2002
Seed flotation and germination of salt marsh plants: the effects of stratification, salinity, and/or inundation regime
T Elsey-Quirk, BA Middleton, CE Proffitt
Aquatic Botany 91 (1), 40-46, 2009
Effects of Endophyte Infection in Tall Fescue (Festuca arundinacea: Poaceae) on Community Diversity
G Spyreas, DJ Gibson, BA Middleton
International Journal of Plant Sciences 162 (6), 1237-1245, 2001
Assessing coastal wetland vulnerability to sea-level rise along the northern Gulf of Mexico coast: Gaps and opportunities for developing a coordinated regional sampling network
MJ Osland, KT Griffith, JC Larriviere, LC Feher, DR Cahoon, NM Enwright, ...
PloS one 12 (9), e0183431, 2017
Effect of water depth and clipping frequency on the growth and survival of four wetland plant species
BA Middleton
Aquatic Botany 37 (2), 189-196, 1990
Functional integrity of freshwater forested wetlands, hydrologic alteration, and climate change
B Middleton, NJ Souter
Ecosystem Health and Sustainability, 2016
Sampling devices for the measurement of seed rain and hydrochory in rivers
BA Middleton
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, 152-155, 1995
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Articles 1–20