Safwan Shiyab
Safwan Shiyab
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Bioaccumulation and physiological effects of mercury in Pteris vittata and Nephrolepis exaltata
J Chen, S Shiyab, FX Han, DL Monts, CA Waggoner, Z Yang, Y Su
Ecotoxicology 18, 110-121, 2009
Phytotoxicity of mercury in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.)
S Shiyab, J Chen, FX Han, DL Monts, FB Matta, M Gu, Y Su
Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 72 (2), 619-625, 2009
Influence of sodium chloride salt stress on growth and nutrient acquisition of sour orange in vitro
SM Shiyab, RA Shibli, MM Mohammad
Journal of Plant Nutrition 26 (5), 985-996, 2003
Mercury‐induced oxidative stress in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.)
S Shiyab, J Chen, FX Han, DL Monts, FB Matta, M Gu, Y Su, MA Masad
Environmental Toxicology: An International Journal 24 (5), 462-471, 2009
Growth, nutrient acquisition, and physiological responses of hydroponic grown tomato to sodium chloride salt induced stress
SM Shiyab, MA Shatnawi, RA Shibli, NG Al Smeirat, J Ayad, MW Akash
Journal of plant nutrition 36 (4), 665-676, 2013
Soilless culture: Management of growing substrate, water, nutrient, salinity, microorganism and product quality
Y Othman, K Bataineh, M Al-Ajlouni, N Alsmairat, J Ayad, S Shiyab, ...
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 28 (4), 3249-3260, 2019
Extractability and bioavailability of mercury from a mercury sulfide contaminated soil in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA
FX Han, S Shiyab, J Chen, Y Su, DL Monts, CA Waggoner, FB Matta
Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 194, 67-75, 2008
Yield and AFLP analyses of inter-landrace variability in okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.)
MW Akash, SM Shiyab, MI Saleh
Life Science Journal 10 (2), 2771-2779, 2013
Phytoaccumulation of copper from irrigation water and its effect on the internal structure of lettuce
S Shiyab
Agriculture 8 (2), 29, 2018
Influence of developmental stage on yield and composition of Origanum syriacum L. oil by multivariate analysis
S Shiyab, M Shatnawi, R Shibli, M Al-Zweiri, M Akash, T Aburijai
J. Med. Plants Res 6 (15), 2985-2994, 2012
Morphophysiological effects of chromium in sour orange (Citrus aurantium L.)
S Shiyab
HortScience 54 (5), 829-834, 2019
Effects of NaCl application to hydroponic nutrient solution on macro and micro elements and protein content of hot pepper (Capsicum annuum L.).
S Shiyab
The Effect of Irrigation by Magnetically Water on Chlorophyll and Macroelements uptake of Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.).
H Rawabdeh, S Shiyab, R Shibli
Jordan Journal of Agricultural Sciences 10 (2), 2014
Phytoextraction and accumulation of mercury in selected plant species grown in soil contaminated with different mercury compounds
Y Su, F Han, S Shiyab, DL Monts
WM 2007, 2007
Phytotoxicity and phytoremediation potential of mercury in Indian mustard and two ferns with mercury contaminated water and oak ridge soil-9241
Y Su, F Han, J Chen, S Shiyab, DL Monts
WM2009 Conference, 1-5, 2009
Plant growth-promoting zeolitic tuff: A potential tool for arid land rehabilitation
B Al-Qarallah, MR Hamdi, M El Shair, NA Al-Hadidi, A Hamaideh, ...
American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences 13 (8 …, 2013
Effects of direct and gradual salinity exposure on carrot (Daucus carota L.) seeds and recovery response
S Shiyab, P Simon
Academia journal of Biotechnology 5 (3), 038-043, 2017
Response of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) to different levels of hoaglands solution
S Shiyab, B Al-Qarallah, M Akash, M Statieh, J Ayad, K Al Sane
Life Science Journal 11 (10), 2014
Impact of cadmium accumulation on physiological characteristics of two cabbage varieties during phytoremediation
S Shiyab
J Food Agric Environ 13 (2), 262-268, 2015
Development and Validation of Gene‐Based SSR Markers in the Genus Mesembryanthemum
M Akash, S Shiyab, M Saleh, SM Hasan, M AbuHussein, W Al-Awaida
Scientifica 2023 (1), 6624354, 2023
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Articles 1–20