Eunkyung Shin
Eunkyung Shin
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Why do parents use screen media with toddlers? The role of child temperament and parenting stress in early screen use
E Shin, K Choi, J Resor, CL Smith
Infant Behavior and Development 64, 101595, 2021
Predicting preschool children's self-regulation from positive emotion: The moderating role of parental positive emotion socialization
E Shin, CL Smith, D Devine, KL Day, JC Dunsmore
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 62, 53-63, 2023
한국 청소년들의 인터넷 사용과 심리사회적 발달 관계에 관한 연구 동향 분석
강민주, 신은경, 김소아
청소년학연구 22 (2), 95-144, 2015
Advances in behavioral remote data collection in the home setting: assessing the mother-infant relationship and infant’s adaptive behavior via virtual visits
E Shin, CL Smith, BR Howell
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 703822, 2021
[5 세 누리과정] 운영의 질 관리 방안
최은영, 최윤경, 이경진, 신은경
육아정책연구소, 2013
Changes in children’s anger, sadness, and persistence across blocked goals: Implications for self‐regulation
L Tan, E Shin, K Page, CL Smith
Child Development 94 (2), 411-423, 2023
아동의 기질과 또래 상호작용 간의 관계: 모의 양육스트레스의 매개효과를 중심으로
신은경, 정아현, 김소아
인간발달연구 21 (4), 149-169, 2014
Quantifying brain development in the HEALthy Brain and Child Development (HBCD) Study: The magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy protocol
DC Dean III, MD Tisdall, JL Wisnowski, E Feczko, B Gagoski, ...
Developmental cognitive neuroscience 70, 101452, 2024
Parenting practices, mental health, and electronic cigarette use among US young adolescents: A longitudinal panel analysis, 2013–2018
DH Han, E Shin
Preventive Medicine 178, 107795, 2024
Bidirectional Relations Among Maternal Positive Emotion, Infant Positive Emotionality, and Infant Physiological Regulation Across the First 18 Months of Life
E Shin, MN Lytle, AM Zhou, V LoBue, KA Buss, K Pérez‐Edgar
Developmental psychobiology 66 (7), e22537, 2024
유치원과 어린이집 평가 (인증) 에 대한 부모의 인식
최은영, 신은경
아동교육 24 (2), 281-296, 2015
Predictors of Bystander and Defender Behaviors in Bullying: Maternal Reactions to Child Emotion and Empathy in the United States and South Korea
E Shin
Virginia Tech, 2020
학령 후기 아동의 성별, 내적 통제성 및 공감이집단 따돌림 동조 행동에 미치는 영향
신은경, 강민주
청소년학연구 21 (5), 329-358, 2014
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