Vo Anh Khoa
Cited by
Cited by
Convexification and experimental data for a 3D inverse scattering problem with the moving point source
VA Khoa, GW Bidney, MV Klibanov, LH Nguyen, LH Nguyen, AJ Sullivan, ...
Inverse Problems, 2020
Analysis of a quasi-reversibility method for a terminal value quasi-linear parabolic problem with measurements
NH Tuan, VA Khoa, V Van Au
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 2019
Convexification for a three-dimensional inverse scattering problem with the moving point source
VA Khoa, MV Klibanov, LH Nguyen
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 13 (2), 871-904, 2020
On an inverse boundary value problem of a nonlinear elliptic equation in three dimensions
NH Tuan, LD Thang, VA Khoa, T Tran
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 426 (2), 1232-1261, 2015
Identification of the population density of a species model with nonlocal diffusion and nonlinear reaction
NH Tuan, V Van Au, VA Khoa, D Lesnic
Inverse Problems 33 (5), 2017
An inverse problem of a simultaneous reconstruction of the dielectric constant and conductivity from experimental backscattering data
VA Khoa, GW Bidney, MV Klibanov, LH Nguyen, LH Nguyen, AJ Sullivan, ...
Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 2020
The Cauchy problem of coupled elliptic sine–Gordon equations with noise: Analysis of a general kernel-based regularization and reliable tools of computing
VA Khoa, MTN Truong, NHM Duy, NH Tuan
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 73 (1), 141-162, 2017
A modified integral equation method of the nonlinear elliptic equation with globally and locally Lipschitz source
NH Tuan, VA Khoa, LD Thang
Applied Mathematics and Computation 265, 245-265, 2015
Convexification inversion method for nonlinear SAR imaging with experimentally collected data
MV Klibanov, VA Khoa, AV Smirnov, LH Nguyen, GW Bidney, AJ Sullivan, ...
Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics, 2021
Through-the-Wall Nonlinear SAR Imaging
MV Klibanov, AV Smirnov, VA Khoa, AJ Sullivan, LH Nguyen
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2021
Asymptotic analysis of a semi-linear elliptic system in perforated domains: well-posedness and correctors for the homogenization limit
VA Khoa, A Muntean
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2015
A note on the derivation of filter regularization operators for nonlinear evolution equations
VN Doan, HT Nguyen, VA Khoa, VA Vo
Applicable Analysis 97 (1), 3-12, 2018
Corrector homogenization estimates for a non-stationary Stokes-Nernst-Planck-Poisson system in perforated domains
VA Khoa, A Muntean
Communications in Mathematical Sciences, 2019
Approximation of mild solutions of the linear and nonlinear elliptic equations
NH Tuan, LD Thang, DD Trong, VA Khoa
Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering 23 (7), 1237-1266, 2015
Reconstruction of the electric field of the Helmholtz equation in three dimensions
NH Tuan, VA Khoa, MN Minh, T Tran
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 309, 56-78, 2017
An improved quasi-reversibility method for a terminal-boundary value multi-species model with white Gaussian noise
NH Tuan, VA Khoa, PTK Van, V Van Au
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2020
A finite difference scheme for nonlinear ultra-parabolic equations
VA Khoa, TN Huy, NTY Ngoc
Applied Mathematics Letters 46, 70-76, 2015
On an inverse problem in the parabolic equation arising from groundwater pollution problem
VT Nguyen, HT Nguyen, TB Tran, AK Vo
Boundary Value Problems 67, 2015
On a pore-scale stationary diffusion equation: scaling effects and correctors for the homogenization limit
VA Khoa, TTK Thoa, ER Ijioma
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B, 2020
Constructing a variational quasi-reversibility method for a Cauchy problem for elliptic equations
VA Khoa, PTH Nhan
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2020
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Articles 1–20