Articles with public access mandates - Gonzalez-Meler, Miquel ALearn more
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How does leaf physiological acclimation impact forage production and quality of a warmed managed pasture of Stylosanthes capitata under different conditions of soil water …
E Habermann, EAD de Oliveira, G Delvecchio, R Belisario, RF Barreto, ...
Science of the Total Environment 759, 143505, 2021
Mandates: US Department of Agriculture
Dynamic electrophoretic mobility and electric permittivity of concentrated suspensions of plate-like gibbsite particles
S Ahualli, MA Gonzalez, AV Delgado, ML Jimenez
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 502, 112-121, 2017
Mandates: Government of Spain
Plant diurnal cycle drives the variation in soil respiration in a C4-dominated tropical managed grassland exposed to high CO2 and warming
EA Dias de Oliveira, FT Manchon, MP Ricketts, M Bianconi, CA Martinez, ...
Plant and Soil 456, 391-404, 2020
Mandates: US Department of Energy
Available somewhere: 29
Responses of temperate forest productivity to insect and pathogen disturbances
CE Flower, MA Gonzalez-Meler
Annual review of plant biology 66 (1), 547-569, 2015
Mandates: US Department of Energy
Exploring the effects of green infrastructure placement on neighborhood-level flooding via spatially explicit simulations
M Zellner, D Massey, E Minor, M Gonzalez-Meler
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 59, 116-128, 2016
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
Edaphic controls on soil organic carbon stocks in restored grasslands
SL O'Brien, JD Jastrow, DA Grimley, MA Gonzalez-Meler
Geoderma 251, 117-123, 2015
Mandates: US Department of Energy
Winter precipitation and snow accumulation drive the methane sink or source strength of Arctic tussock tundra
E Blanc‐Betes, JM Welker, NC Sturchio, JP Chanton, MA Gonzalez‐Meler
Global Change Biology 22 (8), 2818-2833, 2016
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy
Stomatal Development and Conductance of a Tropical Forage Legume Are Regulated by Elevated [CO2] Under Moderate Warming
E Habermann, EA Dias de Oliveira, DR Contin, JAB San Martin, ...
Frontiers in plant science 10, 609, 2019
Mandates: US Department of Agriculture
Optimizing Conservation Strategies for a Threatened Tree Species: In Situ Conservation of White Ash (Fraxinus americana L.) Genetic Diversity through Insecticide …
CE Flower, JB Fant, S Hoban, KS Knight, L Steger, E Aubihl, ...
Forests 9 (4), 202, 2018
Mandates: US Department of Agriculture
Earth system model needs for including the interactive representation of nitrogen deposition and drought effects on forested ecosystems
B Drewniak, MA Gonzalez-Meler
Forests 8 (8), 267, 2017
Mandates: US Department of Energy, US Department of Agriculture
Experimental Air Warming of a Stylosanthes capitata, Vogel Dominated Tropical Pasture Affects Soil Respiration and Nitrogen Dynamics
MA Gonzalez-Meler, LBC Silva, E Dias-De-Oliveira, CE Flower, ...
Frontiers in plant science 8, 46, 2017
Mandates: US Department of Energy
The effects of warming and soil chemistry on bacterial community structure in Arctic tundra soils
MP Ricketts, R Matamala, JD Jastrow, DA Antonopoulos, J Koval, CL Ping, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 148, 107882, 2020
Mandates: US Department of Energy
The world's biomes and primary production as a triple tragedy of the commons foraging game played among plants
GG McNickle, MA Gonzalez-Meler, DJ Lynch, JL Baltzer, JS Brown
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 283 (1842), 20161993, 2016
Mandates: US Department of Energy, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council …
Soil bacterial community and functional shifts in response to altered snowpack in moist acidic tundra of northern Alaska
MP Ricketts, RS Poretsky, JM Welker, MA Gonzalez-Meler
Soil 2 (3), 459-474, 2016
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy
Geometrical properties of materials for energy production by salinity exchange
AV Delgado, S Ahualli, MM Fernández, MA González, GR Iglesias, ...
Environmental Chemistry 14 (5), 279-287, 2017
Mandates: Government of Spain
Biotic and abiotic drivers of sap flux in mature green ash trees (Fraxinus pennsylvanica) experiencing varying levels of emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis) infestation
CE Flower, DJ Lynch, KS Knight, MA Gonzalez-Meler
Forests 9 (6), 301, 2018
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Agriculture
Evidence of Ash Tree (Fraxinus spp.) Specific Associations with Soil Bacterial Community Structure and Functional Capacity
MP Ricketts, CE Flower, KS Knight, MA Gonzalez-Meler
Forests 9 (4), 187, 2018
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Agriculture
Endogeic earthworm densities increase in response to higher fine-root production in a forest exposed to elevated CO2
Y Sánchez-de León, DH Wise, J Lugo-Pérez, RJ Norby, SW James, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 122, 31-38, 2018
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy
Patch use in the arctic ground squirrel: Effects of micro-topography and shrub encroachment in the Arctic Circle
CE Flower, JE Dalton, CJ Whelan, JS Brown, MA Gonzalez-Meler
Oecologia 190, 243-254, 2019
Mandates: US Department of Energy, US Department of Agriculture
Perennial grass root system specializes for multiple resource acquisitions with differential elongation and branching patterns
NT Glass, K Yun, EA Dias de Oliveira, A Zare, R Matamala, SH Kim, ...
Frontiers in Plant Science 14, 1146681, 2023
Mandates: US Department of Energy
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