Jason Whiting
Jason Whiting
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Exploring the influence of outdoor recreation participation on pro-environmental behaviour in a demographically diverse population
LR Larson, JW Whiting, GT Green
Local Environment 16 (1), 67-86, 2011
Outdoor recreation motivation and site preferences across diverse racial/ethnic groups: A case study of Georgia state parks
JW Whiting, LR Larson, GT Green, C Kralowec
Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism 18, 10-21, 2017
Young people's outdoor recreation and state park use: Perceived benefits from the parent/guardian perspective
LR Larson, JW Whiting, GT Green
Children, Youth and Environments 23 (3), 89-118, 2013
Monitoring visitation in Georgia state parks using the System for Observing Play and Recreation in Communities (SOPARC)
JW Whiting, LR Larson, GT Green
Journal of Park and Recreation Administration 30 (4), 21-37, 2012
Physical activity levels and preferences of ethnically diverse visitors to Georgia state parks
L Larson, JW Whiting, GT Green, JM Bowker
Journal of leisure research 46 (5), 540-562, 2014
Physical activity locations in Georgia: Frequency of use by socio-demographic group
LR Larson, JW Whiting, GT Green, JM Bowker
Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism 5, 68-72, 2014
Diverse university students across the United States reveal promising pathways to hunter recruitment and retention
VR Vayer, LR Larson, MN Peterson, KJ Lee, R Von Furstenberg, DY Choi, ...
The Journal of wildlife management 85 (5), 1017-1030, 2021
The future of wildlife conservation funding: What options do US college students support?
LR Larson, MN Peterson, RV Furstenberg, VR Vayer, KJ Lee, DY Choi, ...
Conservation Science and Practice 3 (10), e505, 2021
Whitewater kayaking: A social world investigation
JW Whiting, KA Pawelko, GT Green, LR Larson
Illuminare 9, 2011
Fee hikes at state parks in Georgia: Effects on visitation, revenues, welfare, and visitor diversity
JW Cothran, JM Bowker, LR Larson, R Parajuli, JW Whiting, GT Green
Journal of Park and Recreation Administration 2019, 2019
Contributions of non-urban state parks to youth physical activity: A case study in northern Georgia
LR Larson, JW Whiting, GT Green, JM Bowker
Journal of Park and Recreation Administration 33 (2), 20-36, 2015
Diversity in state parks: A cross-cultural examination of outdoor recreation and park use in Georgia
LR Larson, JW Whiting, GT Green
Report prepared for Georgia Department of Natural Resources' Parks …, 2012
Physical activity of youth in non-urban parks: An observation-based assessment
LR Larson, JW Whiting, GT Green, JM Bowker
Leisure/Loisir 38 (3-4), 225-232, 2014
A naturalistic inquiry into the social world of whitewater kayakers
JW Whiting, KA Pawelko
In: Fisher, Cherie LeBlanc; Watts, Clifton E., Jr., eds. Proceedings of the …, 2012
Physical activity in Georgia state parks: A pilot study
LR Larson, JW Whiting, GT Green
In: Fisher, Cherie LeBlanc; Watts, Clifton E., Jr., eds. Proceedings of the …, 2012
Valuing state parks: Accounting for diverse visitor perspectives
JW Whiting, LR Larson, GT Green
In: Fisher, Cherie LeBlanc; Watts, Clifton E., Jr., eds. Proceedings of the …, 2012
Public parks and sno-parks help diverse populations in California’s Central Valley negotiate constraints to winter recreation
JW Whiting, LR Larson, C Greenwood, S Lankford
Journal of Park and Recreation Administration 39 (4), 2021
Visitor support for recreation fees in Georgia state parks
LR Larson, JW Whiting, GT Green, JM Bowker
Place Attachment and Willingness to Pay: How do Visitors Value State Parks
JW Whiting, LR Larson, GT Green
Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Georgia …, 2011
Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism
A Wanner, N Mostegl, U Pröbstl-Haider
Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism 35, 100405, 2021
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