Young-Hoon Jung
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Cited by
Defining yield from bender element measurements in triaxial stress probe experiments
YH Jung, W Cho, RJ Finno
Journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering 133 (7), 841-849, 2007
Effects of swelling during saturation in triaxial tests in clays
W Cho, TP Holman, YH Jung, RJ Finno
Geotechnical Testing Journal 30 (5), 378-386, 2007
Dynamic subsoil responses of a stiff concrete slab track subjected to various train speeds: a critical velocity perspective
E Nsabimana, YH Jung
Computers and Geotechnics 69, 7-21, 2015
Quantitative performance evaluation of GRPE: a full-scale modeling approach
T Lee, SH Lee, IW Lee, YH Jung
Geosynthetics International 27 (3), 342-347, 2020
Effect of directional stress history on anisotropy of initial stiffness of cohesive soils measured by bender element tests
J Choo, YH Jung, CK Chung
Soils and foundations 51 (4), 737-747, 2011
Stress–strain responses of reconstituted and natural compressible Chicago glacial clay
YH Jung, RJ Finno, W Cho
Engineering geology 129, 9-19, 2012
Numerical verification of the Concentric Arches model for geosynthetic-reinforced pile-supported embankments: Applicability and limitations
T Lee, SJM Van Eekelen, YH Jung
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 58 (3), 441-454, 2021
Investigation of arch structure of granular assembly in the trapdoor test using digital RGB photoelastic analysis
KH Park, SH Baek, YH Jung
Powder Technology 366, 560-570, 2020
Numerical analysis of the suction pile behavior with different lateral loading locations
JH Lee, DW Kim, MK Chung, KS Kwak, YH Jung
Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society 27 (4), 67-76, 2011
Development of nonlinear cross-anisotropic model for the pre-failure deformation of geomaterials
YH Jung, CK Chung, RJ Finno
Computers and Geotechnics 31 (2), 89-102, 2004
Analysis of calcareous sand particle shape using fourier descriptor analysis
L Touiti, T Kim, YH Jung
International Journal of Geo-Engineering 11, 1-14, 2020
Probabilistic spatial susceptibility modeling of carbonate karst sinkhole
YJ Kim, BH Nam, YH Jung, X Liu, S Choi, D Kim, S Kim
Engineering Geology 306, 106728, 2022
Estimating geotechnical system response probability of internal erosion risk in fill dam using event tree analysis
KL Noh, JY Lim, YJ Mok, YH Jung
KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research 34 (6), 1815-1829, 2014
Effect of pre-shear stress path on nonlinear shear stiffness degradation of cohesive soils
J Choo, YH Jung, W Cho, CK Chung
Geotechnical Testing Journal 36 (2), 198-205, 2013
Evolution of stiffness anisotropy during creep of engineered silty sand in South Korea
KH Park, YH Jung, CK Chung
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 21 (6), 2168-2176, 2017
How contact stiffness and density determine stress-dependent elastic moduli: a micromechanics approach
CK Chung, ER Jang, SH Baek, YH Jung
Granular Matter 16, 23-39, 2014
Gmax of Reclaimed Ground on the Western Coast of Korea Using Various Field and Laboratory Measurements
YH Jung, T Kim, W Cho
Marine Georesources & Geotechnology 32 (4), 351-367, 2014
Quantitative detection of contact force chains in a model particle assembly using digital RGB photoelastic measurements
KH Park, YH Jung
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 24 (1), 63-72, 2020
Bridging molecular, particulate, and continuum mechanics for geomechanics application
CR Song, H Cho, YH Jung, AHD Cheng, A Alostaz
Advances in Measurement and Modeling of Soil Behavior, 1-10, 2007
Measurement of stress and displacement fields in particle assembly subjected to shallow foundation loading via photoelasticity technique
BH Byeon, YH Jung
KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research 33 (5), 1947-1955, 2013
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Articles 1–20