Mikyoung Jun
Mikyoung Jun
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Spatial analysis to quantify numerical model bias and dependence: how many climate models are there?
M Jun, R Knutti, DW Nychka
Journal of the American Statistical Association 103 (483), 934-947, 2008
Nonstationary covariance models for global data
M Jun, ML Stein
An approach to producing space–time covariance functions on spheres
M Jun, ML Stein
Technometrics 49 (4), 468-479, 2007
Generic Escherichia coli contamination of spinach at the preharvest stage: effects of farm management and environmental factors
S Park, S Navratil, A Gregory, A Bauer, I Srinath, M Jun, B Szonyi, ...
Applied and environmental microbiology 79 (14), 4347-4358, 2013
Spatio-temporal asymmetry of local wind fields and its impact on short-term wind forecasting
AA Ezzat, M Jun, Y Ding
IEEE transactions on sustainable energy 9 (3), 1437-1447, 2018
Covariance approximation for large multivariate spatial data sets with an application to multiple climate model errors
H Sang, M Jun, JZ Huang
The Annals of Applied Statistics, 2519-2548, 2011
Spatio-temporal short-term wind forecast: A calibrated regime-switching method
AA Ezzat, M Jun, Y Ding
The annals of applied statistics 13 (3), 1484, 2019
Local eigenvalue analysis of CMIP3 climate model errors
M Jun, R Knutti, DW Nychka
Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 60 (5), 992-1000, 2008
Statistical comparison of observed and CMAQ modeled daily sulfate levels
M Jun, ML Stein
Atmospheric Environment 38 (27), 4427-4436, 2004
Spherical process models for global spatial statistics
J Jeong, M Jun, MG Genton
Statistical science: a review journal of the Institute of Mathematical …, 2017
Non‐stationary cross‐covariance models for multivariate processes on a globe
M Jun
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 38 (4), 726-747, 2011
A class of Matérn-like covariance functions for smooth processes on a sphere
J Jeong, M Jun
Spatial Statistics 11, 1-18, 2015
Multifactorial effects of ambient temperature, precipitation, farm management, and environmental factors determine the level of generic Escherichia coli contamination on …
S Park, S Navratil, A Gregory, A Bauer, I Srinath, B Szonyi, K Nightingale, ...
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 81 (7), 2635-2650, 2015
Farm management, environment, and weather factors jointly affect the probability of spinach contamination by generic Escherichia coli at the preharvest stage
S Park, S Navratil, A Gregory, A Bauer, I Srinath, B Szonyi, K Nightingale, ...
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 80 (8), 2504-2515, 2014
Temporal and spatial analysis of per and polyfluoroalkyl substances in surface waters of Houston ship channel following a large-scale industrial fire incident
NA Aly, YS Luo, Y Liu, G Casillas, TJ McDonald, JM Kaihatu, M Jun, ...
Environmental Pollution 265, 115009, 2020
A test for stationarity of spatio-temporal random fields on planar and spherical domains
M Jun, MG Genton
Statistica Sinica, 1737-1764, 2012
Matérn-based nonstationary cross-covariance models for global processes
M Jun
Journal of Multivariate Analysis 128, 134-146, 2014
Observation quality control with a robust ensemble Kalman filter
S Roh, MG Genton, M Jun, I Szunyogh, I Hoteit
Monthly Weather Review 141 (12), 4414-4428, 2013
Baseline data for distribution of contaminants by natural disasters: results from a residential Houston neighborhood during Hurricane Harvey flooding
G Bera, K Camargo, JL Sericano, Y Liu, ST Sweet, J Horney, M Jun, ...
Heliyon 5 (11), 2019
A spatio-temporal track association algorithm based on marine vessel automatic identification system data
I Ahmed, M Jun, Y Ding
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 23 (11), 20783-20797, 2022
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Articles 1–20