Beyond the Gymnasium. Educating the Middle-Mlass Bodies in Classical Germany H Lempa Lexington Books, 2007 | 55 | 2007 |
The Spa: Emotional Economy and Social Classes in Nineteenth-Century Pyrmont H Lempa Central European History 35 (1), 37-73, 2002 | 51 | 2002 |
Self, Community, World: Moravian Education in a Transatlantic World H Lempa, PM Peucker Lehigh University Press, 2010 | 29 | 2010 |
Bildung der Triebe. Der deutsche Philanthropismus (1768-1788) H LEMPA Turun yliopiston julkaisuja. Sarja B: Humaniora 203, 1993 | 18 | 1993 |
Techniques of Epicurean Masculinity: The Playing Method in German Education, 1774-1820 H Lempa Masculinity, Senses, Spirit, 81-105, 2011 | 12* | 2011 |
Patriarchalism and Meritocracy: Evaluating Students in Late Eighteenth‐Century Schnepfenthal H Lempa Paedagogica historica 42 (6), 727-749, 2006 | 9 | 2006 |
Feelings Materialized: Emotions, Bodies, and Things in Germany, 1500–1950 D Hillard, H Lempa, RA Spinney Berghahn Books, 2020 | 5 | 2020 |
Moravian Education in an Eighteenth-Century Context H Lempa Self, Community, World: Moravian Education in a Transatlantic World, 269-289, 2010 | 5 | 2010 |
Dietetiikka, affektit ja ruumis. Saksalainen 1700-luvun filantropismi ja kasvatuskäytännön muutos.” i Terveiyden lähteillä H Lempa Länsimaisten terveyskäsitysten kulttuurihistoriaa, 0 | 5* | |
Mitä on sivistys H Lempa Historian alku: historianfilosofia, aatehistoria, maailmanhistoria, 1993 | 4 | 1993 |
Bildung der Affekte. Der pädagogische Philanthropismus und die Entstehung des Bildungsbürgers H Lempa Europa in der Frühen Neuzeit 4, 215-28., 1997 | 2 | 1997 |
Emotions, Gender, and the Body. The Case of Nineteenth-Century German Spa Towns H Lempa Routledge History Handbook of Gender and the Urban Experience, 362-73, 2017 | 1 | 2017 |
Staging authority: Introduction E Giloi, M Kohlrausch, H Lempa, H Mehrkens, P Nielsen, K Rogan Staging Authority: Presentation and Power in Nineteenth-Century Europe. A …, 2022 | | 2022 |
From Honour to Bildung. Rethinking the Body in Making German Civil Society, 1750–1850 H Lempa Journal of Modern European History 20 (1), 44-58, 2022 | | 2022 |
The Body in Motion: The Image of Man in Physical Education in Late Eighteenth-Century Schnepfenthal H Lempa Anatomy of the Medical Image, 95-111, 2021 | | 2021 |
Spaces of Honor. Making German Civil Society, 1700-1914 H Lempa University of Michigan Press, 2021 | | 2021 |
Zur Bildungsgeschichte einer sächsischen Stadt—Wittenberg in den pädagogischen Umwälzungen des 18. Jahrhunderts H Lempa 700 Jahre Wittenberg. Lokale, nationale und internationale Wirkungen, 313-27, 1995 | | 1995 |